Chapter 3: Sunshine Riptide

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'The world tried to burn all the mercy out of me but you know I wouldn't let it'

Hardy waited on the tarmac impatiently, watching carefully for the little Volkswagen of his colleague to pull into the lot. Just when he was about to assume the worst, the tiny little, Bundy-esque car was turning towards him.

It was very on-brand for the true crime-loving lady to have the same model car as Ted Bundy. She was a little weird and obsessive, but Hardy loved her regardless. He rather she be obsessed with studying criminals than become one so he let the car slide in his mind

She stepped out, her hair in a messy bun and outfit much more casual than the previous prison session. The giant white parka swallowed her tiny body to block out the icy wind. She pushed her glasses up her nose and smiled at a relieved Hardy.

"I'm alive." Lilianna chuckled as he grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

"I thought you were dead." He told her in honesty.

"Well, now you can relax." She shrugged.

"Come on, you cheeky shit." He rolled his eyes at her, making her laugh at his choice of words.

Once at the prison and through security, Dolmen met the two doctors at the elevator.

"I have reviewed your request for Wallon and I to stay in the security room rather than the viewing room for your sessions. Begrudgingly, I will allow it. But I must warn you if the suggestion is on Vendetta's behalf. He's smarter than he looks." Dolmen sighed. Hardy eyed Lilianna- the lack of trust between the two of them regarding Vendetta's character was starting to eat away at him. He was testing his own theories while she was testing hers. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if she got hurt because they valued theories over safety. Leaving her alone in that room was already a risk he didn't like taking.

"Thank you, warden. Don't worry, I'm sure I can handle Mr. Vendetta just fine." She nodded once as the doors slid open to let them onto the secret Vendetta cell floor.

Staying in the security room, Hardy gave Lilianna one last sad smile before she rolled her shoulders, trying to seem fearless, and opened the two sets of doors to the cell.

Once the sound of the door sliding open resonated through the room, Vendetta sat up from his bench where he was pressing three times Lilianna's body weight. A small grin graced his face when he laid eyes on Lilianna, a mischievous glint in his cold, steely eyes.

"Dr. Price, you're back." He spoke, his voice smooth like velvet, yet gravely as if to remind her how dangerous he was.

"Someone's happy today." Her eyes were wide in shock from his change in attitude since the last time she had seen him.

"I guess you could say I woke up on the right side of the bed." He stood from the bench and slowly started to make his way toward her. "Also, I have a sneaky suspicion that the Warden said yes to my request. I applaud you, Price, you can work a bargain. How'd you do it?"

"I told him it was my own proposition. It was strictly for the progression of these sessions and to keep my approach client-centred. It's in the idea that you will potentially open up more if I'm the only one listening in on you. Which part of me is also hoping is true." She assured him.

"You lied to the prison warden of Tollsada Bay Penitentiary? Oh, little Lilianna Price, you are quite the troublemaker." He laughed at the mere thought of her lying. All he was doing was taunting her, trying to get under her skin. Lilianna tried to hold her ground, remaining calm as he eyed her up and down.

"I didn't lie. I told him half of the truth. I'm not a liar." She denied his accusations.

"Sure, kitten, you keep telling yourself that." He smirked as she rolled her eyes.

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