Chapter 5

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After a flight of about 2 hours we are finally there. We pick up my bags and then we walk out of the AirPort. Immediately my body fills up with a warm feeling. I missed this. We all walk to the parking lot, where my parents and Pedro's cars are parked. I drive with Pedro to his house.

During the ride Pedro turns on some music and we both sing along loudly. The whole ride was perfect, Pedro drives into the driveway and I can't believe my eyes. It's just a whole villa! It is very modern and not normally large what else do you expect from a villa. We get out of the car and I grab my suitcases. "And what do you think?" "It's really beautiful!" "Thank you, I live with someone but he's with his parents for a week so you'll meet him later." "Oh okay."

Pedro opens the front door and leads me inside, he shows me my room where I sleep for the rest of the 2 weeks. The room is quite large, so I have plenty of space for myself. Pedro left me alone for a while so I can unpack my things.

I put all my things in a closet and then walk back to the living room, my room is on the ground floor. When I walk into the living room I only see Pedro sitting on the couch, not a sign of the rest of the family. I walk up to him and sit next to him. "Where are mom and dad?" "They had to do something, so they will come later." "Ah okay.."

It remains silent for a while until Pedro suddenly comes up with a question. "Would you like to come and watch my open training the day after tomorrow?" "Huh what kind of training?" "Oh don't you know that yet? I'm playing for FC Barcelona and there's an open training session in two days." I stare at him and have to process what he said, he plays for focking Barcelona? "Wow Wow wait, you're playing for Barca?!" "yes, I thought you knew that."

"I haven't been following Barca since I moved to the Netherlands, but I'd like to come and see you play football." "It means a lot to me that you come, you can meet the whole team and I can't wait to show you everything there. Oh and I will give you a Barca shirt with my Name on it" He is smiling and his eyes are sprankling when he said it, he is the sweetest brother you could wish for. I really don't deserve him. ''I think that's fantastic Pepi.'' I said smiling.

''Well, do you want a tour of the house? I think you need it.'' ''Sure.'' Pedro gets up and pulls me off the couch. ''Well let's start here you've seen this, so we're going there.'' Blablabla After the endless tour, we both plop back on the couch. This house has a swimming pool and a football field in the garden. It is literally amazing.

''And what are we going to do now?'' ''You can show me around Barcelona?'' ''Yes that is good.'' We walk out the door and walk towards the beach which is only 10 minutes away. We decide to walk along the water, the weather was good and me and Pedro were talking about random things. Until he suddenly pushes me into the water, ''PEDRO!'' I'm totally wet, I look at him and he's standing there laughing so hard he almost can't even stand. So I take my chance, I walk out of the water and push him into the water as well. But he pulls me along so we both end up in the water.

We look at each other and burst out laughing. We start splashing each other wet and start a whole water fight. After a while we thought it was enough and climbed out of the water. ''We're completely soaked so I think it's useful if we just go home.'' ''I agree, because who walks into stores completely soaked.'' We smile at each other and Pedro wraps his arms around me. We got some weird looks from people along the way, but that doesn't let us spoil the fun.

Shall I write the parts a little longer?

Forever together against the world Ft. PabloGaviWhere stories live. Discover now