4 - Thanator

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"Laip'xi stop, that's enough!"

Neytiri was screaming, bawling her eyes out, worried for Tsu'tey's animal friend. She was on her knees, watching helplessly as Laip'xi fought to death with a Thanator that had attacked her. 

The two apex predators were at each other's throats, sinking their teeth and claws repeatedly into one another, their terrifying growls and roars echoing through the otherwise peaceful woods. Blood was splattered everywhere, painting a brutal picture for Tsu'tey, when he found them later.


"Laip'xi, let's go"

Laip'xi was helping Tsu'tey hunt today, as he hoped she would be accepted into the village, should she prove to be beneficial to the people.

The forest was unusually quiet today. Tension was brewing as the silence could only mean bad things. Tsu'tey knew not to make a sound, so they took the hunt slowly, choosing to be careful rather than aggravate a potential predator on the hunt themselves. Tsu'tey didn't feel nervous however. Laip'xi was relaxed and did whatever she wanted, including making noises, which meant he was safe beside her.

They reached a small plain where big herbivores usually graze. There were a few solitary creatures and a small herd. Tsu'tey shot one beast from the border of the clearing, baiting it into the forest, where Laip'xi tackled it and delivered it a quick death.

"Good girl"

Both of them were pleased by the result of their strategy that Tsu'tey came up with yesterday when he asked Laip'xi for help. The beaded necklaces around Tsu'tey's neck clanked lightly against each other. He was gently petting the deceased animal, giving it his thanks and words of gratitude on behalf of the whole clan. Laip'xi watched the ritual curiously. Although it wasn't her first time seeing it, since she's been following him around for a few weeks now, it fascinated her every time.

"May you rest with Eywa now"

Laip'xi came closer, wanting to help carry it back to the home tree, now that he was done. Tsu'tey got up and took off the coil of rope from around his shoulder. He secured the body with it and gave the reins to Laip'xi. Opening her jaws, she took it carefully from his hand but dropped it immediately when the forest's silence was broken by a loud roar. Laip'xi recognised what creature made such a sound and picked it back up. She pushed Tsu'tey in front and nudged him to hurry back home.

Seeing as even she was nervous, Tsu'tey couldn't help but speed up. Laip'xi suddenly stopped and dropped the rope again. She heard a scream, distant enough for Tsu'tey not to hear, despite his excellent senses. Laip'xi then recognised the voice and in a flash, left Tsu'tey by himself. She rushed off in the direction of the distressed person. She ran as fast as she could, destroying many plants and trees in her way. Anxiety creeping in when the person didn't scream a second time, worried she was going to arrive too late.

Fortunately she wasn't, and had come just in time, as a giant Thanator was about to attack Neytiri. Laip'xi pounced on it, sinking her big fangs into it's throat. It howled from pain and shifted it's target. It's claws scratched Laip'xi side as it pushed her away. She cried out and took a few steps back, watching the Thanator. It performed an intimidating roar and a stance, that Laip'xi replied to with one of hers. Neytiri was crouching up in a tree, with tears streaming down her face. Her right leg had a deep gash from the claws of the predator. It was bleeding a lot. The blood trickling down the tree trunk.

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