Episode Seven: Point of Woe Return

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Mostly everyone has experienced the confusing and disorienting sensation of briefly not knowing where they are upon waking, at least once in their lives. For many people this might be brought upon by an innocuous happening, such as waking up in a briefly unfamiliar hotel room after the first night of a nine-day vacation in Las Vegas. Others might experience this under more dire circumstances, such as waking up in an unknown alley after a night of heavy drinking on day two of said nine-day vacation in Las Vegas. And others yet may experience this same sensation waking up in the holding cell of a Clark County prison after attempting to steal a marble statue from The Venetian on day three of said nine-day Las Vegas vacation.

The key takeaway?

There are countless more enriching vacation destinations than Las Vegas.

A second key takeaway was that Wednesday Addams was also in the midst of experiencing the sensation of briefly not knowing where she was upon waking, as a collection of muffled whispers began slowly surrounding her as her eyes remained closed. The voices sounded as if they were originating from deep under water as the whispers undulated and warbled, bouncing around her head like pinballs in an arcade game.


Woo woo...
Woo woo...


Woo woo...


Wednesday gasped as her eyes snapped open and she attempted to take in her surroundings. She struggled to make out where she was as her eyes darted around, her vision still fuzzy as she realized she was in the process of recovering from yet another one of her visions. She could see wood... Plaster... Lights... It was the inside of Simon's dorm room. The blurry faces of Simon and Sira also loomed over her, as Wednesday could make out Thing's fingers looking down at her concernedly as she slowly came to.

"She's back!" Simon exclaimed.

Wednesday blinked a few times as she tried to bring everyone into focus. Someone must have caught her as she began to fall during her vision, as she realized she was now lying diagonally across Simon's bed instead of on the floor.

"Wednesday, are you okay?" Simon asked in a worried tone, as Wednesday pulled herself upright into a sitting position on the edge of the bed.

"My head is pounding." Wednesday replied. "My bones ache, and it feels as if my muscles have been connected to an arc welder... I only wish I could have enjoyed it for longer."

Simon shot Wednesday a disturbed grimace as Sira quickly approached her.

"You had another vision, didn't you?" Sira exclaimed, as Wednesday nodded her head. "What did you see?"

"Linnox." Wednesday replied. "And the real reason he has us outcasts on his personal hit list."

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Linnox wasn't just in your vision." Sira replied. "He and his men are assembling outside as we speak."

The gravity of the situation came flooding back as the effects of Wednesday's latest vision dissipated. She recalled the menacing sight of Linnox' heavily armed brigade arriving outside of Nevermore before her abrupt flashback, as she quickly got to her feet and proceeded towards the window.

As soon as she reached the sill, a sudden clap of thunder drew everyone's attention outside as an accompanying flash of lightning briefly illuminated the darkened landscape. Thick, dark clouds had rolled in throughout the evening, enveloping Nevermore Academy and Jericho as gradual raindrops began to fall to the ground.

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