Mario Kart

751 7 28

Three days later (Saturday) 

"Linda, Stan, Kyle, Kenny, and Cartman are coming over." I walk down the stairs ''Oh uhm [Y/N] your mom said to- '' I cut her off before she can finish "My mom says a lot of things, I'm not interested in them. Don't worry we're staying in the living room"

I grab Butter's switch and bring it down to the living room and start setting it up "Hey [Y/N] what are you guys gonna play?" I look back at Butters and flash a smile

"We're gonna play smash bros and maybe some Mario kart, do you wanna join?" I finish hooking it up and set the controllers out for them to grab

"Gee I wish I have to get my chores done." He looks at the game a bit "I'll help you before they come over, would be easier to get it done so you can play too"

I start helping butters clean up the house, get the kitchen done and then hear a knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" I walk into the living room and open the door "Hey guys, are you excited to play?" I look at them and it's only Kyle, Stan and Kenny.

"Where's Cartman?" I let them inside "Well you know since he's living in a hot dog he takes a while to walk uh since he's so fat" Kyle states "how'd you get here so fast Stan? Do you live in the countryside?" 

"Well yeah but my mom dropped me off at Kyle's yesterday night and we had a sleepover" he sits on the couch "Okay [Y/N] we're leaving make sure to not do anything bad, Butters watch her" Linda and Stephen walk out of the house locking us in from the outside

"Watch you?" Kenny asks "yeah she doesn't really like me much" I go upstairs grabbing my phone from Butters room and heading back downstairs before being stopped by Kyle 

"[Y/N] can I ask you something really quick?" I stop, looking at Kyle "What's up?" He looks at me kinda awkwardly "Do you know where the bathroom is, I've been here so many times but I don't remember" I giggle a bit and  him in to the bathroom

I head downstairs playing Mario kart with Kenny and Stan waiting for Kyle to come back down. Kenny and Stan are chatting but I honestly don't know what they are talking about. I wasn't there when It started.

Kyle comes back downstairs and sits on the couch next to me. "Kyle do you wanna get high with me?" I lean in whispering to him he looks at me for a second and then nods his head

"Kyle, can you help me with something I need to get my bed lifted up? I dropped something under there a while ago" I grab my phone and start heading upstairs "yeah of course [Y/N]" he follows behind me.

I walk into Butter's room, open the window and put my blanket under the door. I pull a joint out from inside my backpack, handing it to Kyle and looking for the lighter.

"Found it!" I pull it out and turn to Kyle "be careful it's pretty strong" He puts the joint between his lips and I light it for him

He takes a few hits and passes it to me, I smoke a bit of it holding it in before I exhale "You were right [Y/N] it is pretty strong I think I'm already feeling it" Kyle coughs a bit before taking another hit

"I'm excited you said yes, you didn't seem like the type to smoke with me" I inhale a bunch, passing it back and watching Kyle take another hit.

We both giggle a bit, staring at each other, his flushed skin and his big green eyes staring back at me. I blush a bit, taking the joint and putting it out, hiding all the evidence, then spraying the room with fever, leaving the window open.

"I've never really smoked before, Stan lets me hit his pen sometimes but that's only if his dad didn't find it" he puts his head out of the window and looks around outside for a bit, catching his breath.

Southpark X Reader (SMUT Feb 26th - Dec 18th 2023)Where stories live. Discover now