Family Meetings.

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I've been hanging out with these boys for a few months, every now and then I have secret sex with one of the boys.

But it's Christmas time, everyone wants to talk to everyone, and I've been the girl all the boys have been talking about. "So you're Y/N right?" Stan's father starts a conversation with me "Yes sir, I've been hanging out with your son Stan and his friends" he blushes slightly by me calling him sir.

"I'm Randy Marsh, I've seen you around and I thought it would be nice to get to know you" He smiles and puts his hand out. "It's very nice to meet you Randy" I shake his hand and smile at him.

"hey Y/N do you want to play video games with me and the guys?" Stan walks in trying to avoid his dad. "Huh oh sure Stan'' I stand up and look at Randy one more time "it was very nice to meet you sir" I smile at him one more time, and quickly walk with Stan, He puts his arm around my waist, his hand almost grabbing my ass.

I blush knowing Randy is watching as we walk away. "You can move your hand Stan, you have a girlfriend remember?" I move his hand off of my ass and walk into his room. Kyle and Kenny on Stan's bed with butters on the end. "Hey guys, no Cartman?" I sit in between Kenny and Kyle. "His fat ass can't get enough of the desserts." Kyle looks at me with a smile on his face.

"Are you playing butters?" I look over at butters "Yeah but don't make it weird guys last time I was invited to play I had to leave because someone couldn't keep his hands to himself" he looks at Kenny who's about to put his hands onto my thighs "Okay okay I'll keep my hands to myself" Kenny rolls his eyes and puts his hands on the controller.

"and plus it's hard to keep this secret, i've seen too much of my cousin around my friends" butters grabs his controller "Technically she's not even your cousin butters, No blood and she was basically 18 when she was adopted" Kyle said, putting the controller in my hands.

"Plus I think my dad has a crush on her" Stan says slightly disgusted "OMG does that mean I get free weed?" I look at Stan "Y/N! You can't smoke, especially not in the guest room." Buttes looks at me angrily "It's okay buttes don't worry it won't be in the guest room" I smile.

"Yeah yeah whatever" butters glares at me as the game starts. I started playing the game with the 3 boys, usually dying first, and blaming it on the lag. "Boooo Y/N!!" Stan teases blushing a bit "Yeah Y/N I thought you were good at this game" Kenny nudges me, I giggle smiling at him softly.

Stan usually wins, this time butters won, as soon as the game was over we were called down for dinner. We all go downstairs, The young adults getting their own table, Meaning no booze or any fun, We are just outside the parents point of view, yet we can hear everything they are saying.

"So since it's finally our first get together with the Stotch's, I thought it would be good to see who our kids' parents are, so please talk and get to know each other!" Stan's mom announced, everyone had plates and the food was set out, but no one rushed to eat, they all started talking and getting drunk, drunk enough so they could tolerate everyone.

The boys heard this smile and turned to me "So Y/N why did you move here?" Kenny asks, his hand gripping my inner thigh. "oh well you know, I was bullied at my other school so I didn't really want to stay so my aunt and uncle took me in" I blush a bit as Kenny slides his hand higher up on my thigh.

I can feel his eyes on me as we're talking, Stan taps me on my shoulder and whispers in my ear "Do you wanna get drunk with me?" He looks nervous like his friends haven't drank with him before, I nod my head and then we both grab our plates to 'go get some food' well that's what we told the others.

We snuck up to Stan's room and he pulled out a whiskey bottle from his bottom drawer. "Do you wanna go first?" He looks at me and hands me the open bottle. I nod and quickly take a gulp from the bottle. "don't take too much, you don't wanna get caught" Stan smiles at me as I hand him the bottle. We took turns just passing the bottle back and forth.

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