Chapter 5

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That day I was so messed up that I couldn't even stand up from where I sat in my room

And just like that the devil himself left my house over nothing (I mean nothing at all)

"Kinn" my dad called from downstairs
"Coming" I answered him in a very low voice (I didn't even care if he heard or didn't )

Did you drop all 'em files I asked of you to drop to derrek's dad ...

"Ohh sorry dad I for..." ( I was about talking before landing on my back and my whole house crumbled)

I could only faintly see a masked man and group of people dragging my dad out with blood dripping

It was traumatizing for me to look at
I thought that was it all till I saw my mom not even moving soaked in blood all over

And my two brothers being dragged by the hair also yanked asif they re being asked to say something

It was all so blurry to me as it was scary
"Dad!!!"  I tried calling out
"Daddd!..!!.dad" then the tears followed after the breaking of my voice

"Shushhhhhh..." this blurred figure came up to me dragging me by the hair
The blurred figure bent beside me giving the squat motion

I could barely turn
"Where's the file" he started
"Uuhn uhn and I hate liars"  and ended

"Wh...a file" ( I am as confused as you are right now)
I was trying to gain my dad's attention about the whole situation but he dare not flinch

This figure turned to my dad's view and voiced out again
"Kunn.. am feeling stressed"
" where is it"

My dad shuttered then he asked again
"I don't give last chances"
"Where is it !!"
It was like the whole world shooked to his voice

It was so obvious my dad is going crazy
He was sweating profusely
He kept sniffing up his dry nose

His whole clothes soaked with blood and sweat
We looked so miserable and trampled on

"I hate troubles"
"I love peace"
"Hand it over"
"Or stroke death, kunn"
The figure kept saying softly with his whole face portraying the expression

My sturbborn dad still didn't give an answer
Making the whole situation difficult

"Fine you asked for it"
"Ken!" He called and elegantly stood up to sit right in front of us all putting his left leg above the right one gently

The supposed ken brought out a silencer and held it over my dad's head and whispered something to his hear ( I could swear I had only the word your son)

My dad nodded a yes to the figure sitting and nothing else happened
Until the figure asked him
"Which one is with womb"
"Femme or nerds cos it has to be femme"
"I like my snack soft and submissive"

My dad gave a reply which dawned satisfaction on the figure sitting infront of my whole family
"Yes! Yes... th..e"

Without even calling my name I knw am the femme because I look everything like a femme

Soft,sweet,fluffy,petite and mostly submissive
Oh! I hate that part about me

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