Chapter 11

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[Third person's Pov]

After receiving so many air
Or should I say inhaling

Our femme finally calmed down knowing they had to leave now

He's just standing there not knowing how to tell the devil that he is ready to go

Kinn was trying to so hard to open his mouth and get the words out of him but he couldn't

But just then he demon himself spoke out
"Shall we..."

Kinn not knowing what to say just stands there and nods in agreement

But just then our devil uttered just one word that steered up our femme


Our femme looks down and talks in embarrassment and in a very low voice that if the demon himself isn't a very vigilant high and  great mafia he wouldn't have heard a thing

"Who is cute"

Dew turns to look at his femme with raised brows Asif asking him to reapeat what he just said

"Ken we move" Dew said to his assistant Ken so as to notify them that his femme is done

They all got into their  rides and moved

The journey home feels so far as everything in the car became silent that if a pen was to be dropped it would so much echo

It was so silent in the car
Dew was on his tablet
While our femme was so sleepy but wouldn't dare to fall asleep

Just then the biggest mistake our feisty femme would ever make dashed in
He fell on Dew shoulders

I'm literally screaming in me right now !!

Dew turns to look at the femme on his shoulder
And then he smirks

Through out the whole ride our femme is soundly asleep

Dew tries to turn his body to make it more comfortable for our femme but then that fiesta Shortie drops on Dew's lap

And for GOD's sake he's still soundly asleep
With the sun shinning through the car glass and gracing his well adorned face

His milk skin
That small pouty lips of his
The strand of hair that falls down his face

He moves ! On Dew's lap
Dew gulps

Our demon talks out to himself
"Hey kitty I'm not a gentleman myself"

All this was happening while our femme was still dragged in his sleep

Dew looks at kinn's face he gulps again then look outside the glass of the car

"Dew control"

And this so called pleasure builds more and more in Dew over and over again through the whole ride home

This action went on and on the whole ride
Our devil was trying to control himself and being a gentle man

But hell knows if he doesn't want to be a gentle man
No one could stop him

And as he has said
It's his car after all !....

Damn!! This man is a beast


After the silent ride home
They at last got home

All cars parked one after the other According to the order they moved on

That was just when ken who is Dew's assistant walks out of the car he was in and starts walking towards the couples car


He was about completing that sentence of his when Dew cuts in
"No one is here" , he pinched his nose then continued "so why the boss"

"Then get the fuck out of the car" , Ken said to Dew making the devil throw him a glare

"Fine" , Dew said to Ken while reluctantly trying to stand up

He looks at the femme on his lap
Then his crazy best friend and assistant Ken winks at him
Yet again Dew throws him a deadly glare

"Woah I was kidding" , ken said back to Dew putting him at ease that he's not here to steal what already belongs to Dew

Just as the conversation between Dew and Ken was going on
Kinn kept shifting in his place on Dew's lap

He opens his eyes slowly
Dew notices it
He smirks ! This man is crazy

Kinn was too relaxed maybe due to the fact the at he just woke up
He asks the devil

"Are we..."

"Home" Dew completes the words before he could mutter it all

Kinn blushes at the word home
He's never ever ever once in his life thought of having a home not even house with someone
And here comes this possessive sexy hot ravishing worth eating big muscular sexy beast that any one would want to be banged by and ... oh sorry back to the story

You're not a softie kinn so don't blush this often it's annoying , our femme says to himself

Kinn who was supposed to be out of the car was still in it battling with his head and thoughts and not coming out of the car

Dew was confused with kinn's action of not coming out of the car

And out of frustration he looks at Ken to give him a hand

Now was when Ken also decided to give him a taste of his own medicine by glaring right back at him

Our devil looks away instantly

But what could that shortie be thinking of making him so stucked in the car

This was quite the look on Dew and kin's face

Swift update in an hour
Wow !! I'm so proud of myself
And you will be seeing lots of me soon
I promise

I've been off due to some issues

But it's kinda getting solved tho
So I love you all sooooooooooooo
Much !!❤️😘

From your shortie Morray ❤️❤️

I'm literally pitying my sweetheart 🤧🤧
My innocent kitten
Even if he's not that innocent
A new chapter of his life is starting with a possessive beast

I also can't wait to see the house
I'm over the clouds to show you all

I am really up to this moment to showing you

I love you all
From your Shawty Morray ❤️🤝

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