Chapter 13

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"You're gonna be shocked jess" kinn said addressing his bestie on the phone

[make me bitch] she said giving him the most expected reply

"My old man married me off" our femme said trying to sniff for her to see how pitiful he sounds

[you're the wife or ....] she said making our femme blush

"How did you know" our femme asked

[come on it is obvi] his best friend said teasing him more

"Didn't even all my life know I have a womb"

kinn said looking down as if the person at the other end of the phone can see him

[welcome to the club baby] Jess said giving him the worst giggles ever

"My life is so fucked up right now" kinn sniffles

[you know what darling]

Kinn roles his eyes as if being tired of jess talks
Because whenever that demon of a bestie he has comes up with something

It never ends well
And truly it didn't end well
The next word that would come out of jess mouth is .. [ let's smash this night]

"Well I don't think this demon of a husband will grant that"
[well you've got ass baby make use of 'em]

"Don't you dare jess"
[bye baby see you in 20minutes]

[you come or the girls smash]

Kinn grunts loudly that the person at the other end of the phone could hear him but isn't bothered by it at all
[we'll be waiting for you]

"Vaffanculo jess" kinn said cursing his best friend in the language he loves best
[Ti amo anch'io kinn] she replied him

"I didn't say I love you"
[but I do pumpkin]

[now get that ass over here] after this sentence the one of a kind bestie of our femme hung up on him leaving him to think of how to make our demon let him out of this huge house

"Jess!!" He screams at someone who already hung up before talking to himself calmly

"Calm down kinn"
"Just take a shower and calm your head down"
He kept mumbling to himself to shut the fuvk up and calm down

He headed to the bathroom to see what awaits him ,fingers crossed he wants the best and to his surprise he met the most beautiful bathroom ever
Like seriously do y'all just build a house inside a house or__ . he stopped thinking

Kinn met the best of the best right there in front of him called a bathroom
He walked slowly into the bathroom
Took of his clothes and sat in the huge bath tub then turned on the water

Kinn got himself a bubble bath over and over again and just couldn't stop until it hit him!

Jess was going to kill him
And coming out the bath tub he was in at the same time sliding his robe on he kept mumbling loud "no no no no they're going to kill me if I don't go"

Kinn started searching for what to wear "yes!" He shouted after getting something to wear
After putting his clothes on he decided to go face his demon but not before telling himself "Now let's go act cute"

Kinn was coming out of his room when he bumped into something
He tried lifting his head up to see what he bumped into that was as hard as a pole stand

"I'm sorry mr Dew" kinn blurted out without even looking up to see who he was even apologizing to But then the word that followed confirmed to him that this wasn't our demon which made kinn look up swiftly

"Dewlancio?" The stranger asked
"I'm so sorry" kinn repeated to the man in front of him but immediately looked back down then faced up again to admire the stranger infront of him looking exactly like a Greek god

(wow he looks exactly like a Greek GOD) was all kinn could think of ...

Kinn was busy admiring the Greek god infront of him
The Greek god that has the perfect face
An hint of sleepy type of eyes and that strand soft calm but dangerous demeanor which made him think of someone
Not just anyone but the devil himself

Now our devil was standing beside our Greek god
He faked a cough almost like clearing his throat for his presence to be known
This made kinn flinch and call out to him shakily but with gathering confidence
"Mr Dew" Kinn was still looking down not daring to meet our demon eyes

.... All of our femme courage was now out the window...

Dew looked at the stranger while smiling softly
"I see my darling fan girl's on you" dew was still giving his soft smile which for some reason weren't really smiling

"You don't need to doubt brother I'm worth it"Now the stranger talked back to Dew

Brother... kinn thought to himself __ ohh that's why their whole features look the same

Kinn had to admit Dew looks more handsome compared to the stranger

While all these was going on in kinn's head

The stranger looked at Dew ,shot him a glance and sent the eye back to kinn then smirked at our demon as if sending him a message

"Don't you dare" Dew growled at the stranger
Kinn was confused
Swiftly the stranger bent to give our femme a peck on the cheek then ran down the stairs

Dew didn't move and inch and our femme was trying his best to enter the wall
Our demon was busy looking down at our short femme who really isn't that short but Dew is just so tall
...That's a lie kinn is short...
"What" was the only ever low word our femme could say which made the devil smirk
Then this weird conversation came off

"I umm" __kinn
"Wanted to ask if you could umm" __kinn
"Could?" __Dew

"Look at me when you talk darling" the deep voice from Dew rang through out the whole lobby

Kinn looked up at him while Dew just stares at him with hungry eyes
It sent shivers down kinn's spine
So all in all kinn decided to use the best of all best methods

"I wanted to ask if I could go out with my friends just to have a peaceful time and I promise to come back early even if I don't knw how to get here" all in one sentence our femme blurted the words without stopping then puts his hand over his mouth to stop talking and to try to breath

Dew was just staring down at him amused ...
__ He's got courage__

I'm really sorry I haven't updated the story I didn't forget about it
School took almost all my time
And has sent me to the hospital lots of times now
But your Shawty is back ❤️😉
Lots of love from me 💃💃💃❤️

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