Chapter 10- finally back home..

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By the time Harry woke up , he felt a comforting hand rubbing his bum through, it was almost like a sense of his father, though he just laid there for a bit frowning, he knew it most likely wasn't him, it was his fault he was taken away and he'd never get to see him again. Until he heard the soft rumble of Severus' voice , cooing to him, he jolted upright with a wide beady eyes, flinging his body into the tall ravenettes as he began to wail and sob, burying his face so tightly into his fathers chest to the point he was almost suffocating himself . As he wailed his little body shook, the poor baby had been under so much stress he simply couldn't cope , he had been having lots of accidents, more than usual, he hadn't been himself whatsoever and from the state of his nappy it was clear he was very sick "D-Daddy!!!! I Sowy I nu be bad agen!! I nu be bad wen I is getin da pushinmen I 'eserve..." he hiccuped, tears pouring down his little red puffy face, from what Lucius had seemingly drilled into him, he believed it was entirely his fault what happened, the memories of what had happened with the Dursley's began to come up to, he had been frequently spanked at the Dursley's, wether that be for having wet the bed, or been sick, or breathed too loudly, it came like second nature to him.

The taller males heart completely broke in two, he hugged the small child tightly as tears began to leak from his eyes, he never cried, ever. But seeing his son in this state, and knowing what that man did to him while he had trusted Draco to care for him, he blamed himself entirely. "Oh my poor baby have no idea how worried daddy has been...and it is not Your fault sweetheart, and daddy is so incredibly proud that you stood up for yourself like that, that was so brave of you my little dove. But you have always been a very brave little baby." He sniffled and hugged him closely, god he didn't want to dare part from his baby boy ever again, living in constant fear Harry would be taken away from him, he wouldn't know how to cope if he couldn't see his boy.
Harry wailed even harder , coughing hard enough till he was almost sick. "N-Nu leav agen!!" He sobbed out, his breathing quick paced and clearly panicked.
Severus placed a hand on the boys back, patting it slowly and gently. "Deep breaths my love, in and out, I know your upset , so is daddy, but we can't have you being sick okay? I can't have my little prince being sick." He frowned and held him closely, rubbing massages into his shoulder blades and back to try to soothe him. "Come sweetheart, let's get you home okay? Why don't we go lay in daddy's bed, I'll get you a nice warm bottle of milk, and we'll watch films in bed okay? How does that sound? I'll even wear my onesie so it's like cuddling a big teddy bear."
Harry smiled through his tears and nodded, hiccuping and wiping his puffy eyes, holding onto Severus tightly as he stood, getting their things.
The tall ravenette bowed down to molly with a soft breath. "Thank you, thank you so so much for making sure he was okay...he uhm, he's not entirely comfortable with Sirius yet I don't believe, or at least while he's small. You have been like a mother to him growing up, I'm so grateful you came to look after him. Thank you, so so much, I don't know what I would've done if he had no one to look after him.."

Molly smiled as he got up, helping the ravenette up. "You don't have to thank me, Harry is family, I would love to do anything for him."
Severus smiled and wiped his teary eyes, nodding softly to her as he began to walk home with his son, patting his back gently and soothingly. "We'll be home soon my love, I think we both needed a little bit of fresh air for the walk home huh."
Harry nodded silently and hiccuped a bit as he cuddled into Severus as tightly as he could , picking at his hands slightly from all the nerves, chewing on his bottom lip. "Di' I kill 'im?...wha abou dway?..." he sniffled, god he was so so afraid that he had killed him, he was nothing but a toddler anymore, he couldn't bare the even thought of killing someone, not to mention what was happening with Draco, not wanting him to get hurt either.
The taller males heart broke when he heard this, it really only just clicking how much guilt and fear and paranoia the toddler must have been carrying this whole time. "Oh, he's alive, and he's going to Azkaban and I promise you won't ever have to see that man again. And speaking of would you feel about him staying at home with us for a few months sweetheart? He doesn't have anywhere to go really, I'm the closest family he has as of right now..."
Harry slowly nodded and took a quiet breath of relief as he heard he wouldn't have to see him again, it felt like a weight had been lifted off his chest. He looked up slightly at the mention of Draco living with them, he began to smile a bit and nod quickly. "Mm, he nice daddy." He chewed on his hand, curling up in his fathers arms as he managed to get himself comfortable once more, though from the little yawns and whines it was clear he was still incredibly tired, after all the tears and overwhelming emotions of the day he just needed some much needed rest.

The older male smiled and chuckled softly, patting Harry's bum softly and gently as he walked in the front door. "Then it's settled, he should be here by tomorrow then, and oh dove you really are tired huh, do you think your too tired for a bath? I think one might help with your ouchies."
He looked up and shook his head with yet another yawn, his eyes half lidded as he suckled on his thumb, nuzzling his cheek against his daddy's cloak, the soft linen fabric and smell of comforter really helped to soothe him, though it was mostly the older males smell that soothed him that much more, the smell of vanilla and coffee accompanied with a warm bottle and cuddles could send him into a slumber in seconds. He began to whine watching Severus prepare his bottle, noticing it was formula instead of normal warm milk but he just shrugged it off, just wanting to cuddle up and sleep.
Snape chuckled softly as he began to walk to his own bedroom. "I know your impatient sweetie, but let's get you changed first okay? Why don't we get you into your fuzzy onesie Mm? Since you've been so brave daddy will put his on too, does that sound like a deal my sweet prince?"
The small child nodded and yawned, sitting there as his father changed him, he was far too tired to at least try and help, he really just wanted to go to bed.
The tall ravenette laughed as he watched his son flop around, he kissed his forehead as he changed himself from his robes into the onesie, he couldn't deny that it was t comfortable. Once he was changed he scooped up the sleepy boy and wiggled his way down into the covers, placing Harry in a cradle position as he put a Disney film on in the background, knowing Harry needed white noise to sleep. He kissed his sons scar before holding the bottle to his lips, smiling. "Here sweetie."
Harry let out a soft content hum noise as he began to suckle on the bottle, though he had completely passed out not even half way through his bottle. He outstretched his legs and cuddled up close, still a death grip on his father.
Severus lightly chuckled and held his son close, not planning to let go of him at all, not now and not for the rest of the night, that was for sure. He placed the half empty bottle on the bedside table as he cuddled up with his boy, so thankful he could hold him close once more. He knew they had lots to do however, prepare for Draco's arrival, help to prepare Harry for when he started teaching again, and to help him get better, but they could do that in the morning, for now he just wanted to cuddle close with his boy.

Sorry this is late guys!!! Bullying has gotten bad at school so I haven't had all that much time to write, I apologise! Hope you like this chapter! Xxx

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