Chapter 19- Sensory overload

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Now by this point Harry , Severus and Draco were finally home, and Harry almost seemed to be...stuck; he couldn't regress, he wanted to go back to his little space and he just couldn't; he was incredibly stressed out over it and afraid he would never be able to be small again; even with Severus' reassurance that he would, his father was even babying him in an attempt to help him regress but really, nothing seemed to work. Everything was overwhelming him and he was really struggling, picking at his hands incredibly nervously as he paced back and forth around the room, unbeknownst to him that he was on the verge of a meltdown, an autistic meltdown, pacing back and forth in his room as he flapped his Hands at his sides, he had been sick last night from worry and in turn getting sick on milo, stressed and worried without her. Everything felt like it was going wrong for the poor boy, including his nappy situation. While he was stuck in the mindset of the teenager his body still believed he was a little, he was completely bladder and bowel incontinent, he easily got very embarrassed when he was changed, especially messy accidents.

He was snapped out of his thoughts as he whined quietly ,  Severus picking him up and checking his nappy, this stressed him out a bit more, nearly pushing him off the edge. "Dad you don't have to lift me up...I can walk.." he frowned and sniffed a bit shamefully, Severus was having to constantly check him due to the fact he refused to tell him when he needed a change, he was so embarrassed by this, he hated it, grumbling as he was laid down on the changing mat.
Severus sighed audibly. "Harry baby I know you don't like changed but they have to be done, I need to keep you clean so you don't get any rashes. You would make this a lot easier if you told me pumpkin, then daddy doesn't have to keep embarrassing you by checking you." He frowned as he changed his nappy, making sure to clean him up swiftly to avoid him getting any more embarrassed .
Harry squirmed around the entire time, making it very difficult for Severus to do what he needed to do, so the young boy just sat there, squirming, wiggling, and picking at his hands until they bled, sniffling as he looked down. 

Severus sighed with a worried frown, lifting Harry up as he walked back to his room, sitting the boy down on his bed , gently taking his hands away to stop him picking, grasping up some cotton mittens as he gently slid them on his hands to prevent him picking.

The instant change in texture freaked the teen out, the overwhelming feelings he had felt all week, the nappy changes, the stress, the tears, and these mittens pushed him right over the edge. Unbeknownst to him he was going through a sensory overload. The cloth on his slightly overgrown fingernails sent goosebumps all over his body, he started to panic and try to pull them off, the feeling starting to make his teeth ache and hurt, the texture was not a pleasant one, thus sending the boy over the edge as he broke down, trying to pull the mittens off with his teeth, this made it all worse as he screamed, he was extremely overwhelmed, Severus placing his hands on him made it even worse, to the point he bit Severus' hand. He didn't know what was going on, it felt like he couldn't control his body, scampering away from the ravenette as he screamed and cried loudly, his body severely shaking as he panicked even more, he was going to be spanked, he was going to be in so much trouble , causing him to panic more.
Severus frowned. "Harry baby, it's okay, it's okay, I'm sorry daddy shouldn't have touched you." He moved so he sat in front of the boy, fetching milo from the tumble dryer and placing her in front of Harry. "Daddy will stay right here until your ready to talk okay? Here's milo, she can help while daddy can't." His heart completely broke, he wasn't able to help his baby boy, now he had taught multiple Autistic children all over the spectrum during his career, he knew the worst thing to do was to touch them in the midst of a breakdown, they just needed to cry it out and physically calm down before he could do anything.
The boy snatched the stuffie ans held it to his chest, just crying into it as he rocked his body back and forth, the ravenette was in bits.

It took a while but once Harry was calm enough that he was no longer thrashing and only sitting, slightly rocking himself still, Severus came and sat beside him, still not touching him however. "Harry sweetie, is it okay if daddy touches you now? So I can help you take off these mittens. I'm sorry I had to put them on you I just didn't want my baby hurting himself."
Harry nodded and curled into Severus, bursting out into tears once again as he clung to him. "Daddy!!!" He sobbed out, it was clear that he was by now little again, though it didn't seem like he willingly went. "P-Pease nu spank!! I nu meen oo bite, i-I duno wan happined!!!" He loudly sobbed , his teary eyes soaking his fathers robes and coat.
The caregiver shook his head as he gently took off the mittens, laying Harry in his lap as he pat his lower back. "Deep breaths my little prince, daddy is not angry, now...daddy things you might have something called autism Harry, I think from the trauma you suffered when you were smaller made you mask, cover it up. I've noticed a lot of signs since you've come to stay with me baby you know what autism is sweetie?"
Harry sniffled as he wiped his puffy teary eyes, nodding a little. "I-I knows I fink...D-Dudley used oo huwt dem...she lived neer dey was bad....I-I nu bad angwy..." he voice broke as he looked at Severus, he was so afraid he would be in trouble. Now growing up Dudley was incredibly ableist, and when an autistic girl moved to their neighbourhood he did not take it lightly, she was slathered in abuse every day of the week, night till morning. She couldn't escape it, to the point the family did move again. Not to mention the fact she couldn't stand up for herself, now she was completely nonverbal, she struggled with sensory processing and social awareness, so she couldn't stand up for herself at all. Harry had tried to make friends with her but Dudley had always gotten him into severe trouble when he did, to the point he was locked in his cupboard for a week, not even allowed to use the toilet.

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