Chapter 23- Brooms!

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Remus whimpered as he woke up, shivering slightly. He absolutely hated the day after full moons, scanning across his body and sighing at all the new scratches, tugging at the chains that restrained him as he called out for Sirius, he was tired and just wanted a hug. And his clothes back. Due to the fact they were shredded or ripped by the transformation regardless he always took off his clothes before his transformation, though that left him completely exposed once he was back in the right body and state of mind.
A few moments later Sirius came down the stairs, undoing the spell that kept him in the cemented basement, it was strong magic which kept him safely contained. He smiled warmly at him as he walked over, undoing the restrains, a pile of warm lounge clothes in his hand, helping to get him changed. "Sorry it's so cold down here moony, the weather has been awful and we still ought to patch the leaks down here. How was the transformation last night? I know it was a howler." He spoke, laying Remus down on the bed in the cellar gently, lifting his shirt and cleaning his wounds as he spoke to him, he was incredibly gentle and soft with him after full moons especially.

Remus shrugged with a quiet whimper. "My throat is was rough, sorry about the walls pads." He frowned, the cement indented from the claw marks all over the walls. "I really want some jam on toast.."
Sirius nodded with a quiet soft chuckle as he cleaned him all up, making sure nothing was bleeding Anymore. "Moony it's okay honestly, it's the basement no one comes down here but us. And I've got the jam on toast waiting for you upstairs, along with a sweet milky cup of tea. Even got some David Bowie playing on the record player." He cooed to him with a warm smile, he knew exactly what he liked after a full moon. "I found a book for you yesterday too, thought you might enjoy it."
Moony smiled weakly, rubbing his tired eyes as he curled into Sirius, wrapping his legs around his waist and holding on tightly, whimpering softly.
"Oh your regressing aren't you muffin." He smiled a bit, picking him up gently as he walked up the basement stairs, now lupin really only regressed in private. He was a little himself, he just didn't let anyone know. He stayed home small with Sirius and went out like an adult, it was the right kind of healthy balance for Remus, not too overwhelming either, he knew some littles preferred to stay small all the time, he did not. Yes he loved being small but it was too overwhelming for him if it was all the time.
Remus nodded softly as he chewed on his lip, he only really used dummy's when he slept, most often chewing on A teether, he believed it was because of his transformations, but wasn't too sure. "Mmm..." he whimpered, he really didn't handle the pain well at all when he was small, needing lots of hot water bottles and cuddles.

Sirius smiled down at him, it was incredibly early, around 5am. Sitting at the kitchen table with Remus on his lap, helping him to eat his toast as he transferred the sweet tea into a bottle, he had decaf tea anyway as he found caffeinated tea brought his temper up more.
Remus had his head rested on sirius' chest the entire time, whimpering every few minutes from the pain he was in, his head felt like it was splitting in two. As he finished his toast he opened his mouth for his bottle shyly, he much preferred with Sirius gave him his bottle, it made him feel much closer too him. He let out a soft happy hum as he felt the sweet warm liquid hit his tongue, causing him to melt into his touch.
Padfoot hummed and gently rocked Remus as he gave him his bottle, a gentle hand ran through his soft auburn hair, though he did need a bath soon. "Is that nice baby boy?" He cooed in an almost whisper, he knew exactly how to help Remus after a full moon, and overwhelming him with loud voices didn't help at all, not with his splitting headache at least.

Remus nodded, though he didn't sleep at all during a full moon, he was usually up, throwing himself against the walls, howling and hurting himself too. So he slowly began to drift off in sirius' arms as it hit 6am.

Harry has awoken bright and early, around 7 ish, he was in his big mindset right now, but he still enjoyed the comforting cuddles from his father, and his brother . So there he lay, his head and most of his body laid on top of his fathers bare chest, he usually didn't take much note to this but he was visibly quite thin, around his mid chest area his ribs were visible, yet he had a small pooch belly at the bottom which made Harry smile a little, he had a little pooch belly himself, though that was simply because Severus would get him to eat a lot, and he was a snacky kinda kid anyway. He then looked to his brother, whom still held his hand, smiling a little more. Now, Harry slowly creeped up out of bed, slid on a shirt, and tiptoes his way into the kitchen. Both Draco and Severus had made him breakfast multiple times, so he wanted to repay the favour, Mostly as a thanks for his birthday. He had made breakfast for the Dursley's hundreds of times.

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