Chapter 14

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It was finally the end, and I had no reason to doubt. Just as expected, Laura blew the flute with all her energy, making sure it was as loud as she could make it be.

Everywhere went dead silent, and I kept my eyes closed, scared and sad to die. My heart ached from everyone's betrayal, especially my dad's, but at the same time, I felt it was best to die and end this suffering.

We all waited for a few minutes, all mute and anticipating the Lycan prince. My father had also ordered the bodyguards at the entrance to leave the door open so he would have a free pass.

"What is going on?" Scarlett was the first to throw out the question that everyone had been asking themselves. Laura frowned and gave it another try, blowing air into the flute with every ounce of energy, and when I opened my eyes, I saw how bulging and red her eyes were.

"How long should it take him?" My father asked, both eyes narrowing in surprise.

"It took the man who drove him to his place twenty minutes. With his extreme speed as a Lycan, he should be here in twenty or thirty minutes." One of the royal guards answered immediately, bowing as he saw the grim look in my father's face.

"Tell that servant who drove him there to go and fetch him!" Dad commanded, but just then the servant walked in. 

"He changed location. We have snuck in and checked on him at that exact house, but it is all empty. He doesn't want anyone to know where he is staying." The man narrated with a bow, and everyone was more frustrated.

Laura was boiling in anger and fury as she went for another round of deafening our ears with the flute.

"It isn't how hard you blow it that would tell if he would hear it or not. He won't be alerted by this sound we are hearing; it is a spiritual connection!" Dad, who was already becoming mad, shunned her as he grumbled to himself.

"Why isn't he here?!" Laura whined, breathing heavily. Her eyes were glinting with anger—even more frustration than my father's.

"I think we are being too impatient! He will be here!" Scarlett hissed and flashed a glare at me as if I was the reason the Lycan prince refused to appear at the sound of the so-called flute he gave them.

I almost laughed as I watched them sweat and grunt at each other while Laura kept blowing and blowing until all the veins in her neck came out, pulsing and bugging out her skin.

All their faces were red, and the elders just couldn't say anything as they growled in utter disappointment.

"What if he gave us the fake one?! This flute! What if it is all fake!" Laura barked, flinging it away. All thanks to a guard who was able to catch it.

"You are lucky it didn't fall and break! Laura, you have to calm down because you were just about endangering us!" My father, who had just recovered from the shock of seeing her fling off the Lycan's flute, seethed at her, but Laura really didn't care at that moment.

It showed how desperate she wanted to kill me. It was obvious that her time to kill me was running out. If the Lycan doesn't come, then there is no other way.

"The Lycan prince didn't give us a fake one. What if he intentionally refused to come?" Scarlett chimed in, and everyone turned their gazes sharply at her as if she had grown two heads.

"Why would he not come?!" Everyone chorused at the same time, perplexity rubbing all over their faces. 

"He might be in love with her. We might have failed to convince him Ella was a demon, and he just pretended like he believed us, and...."

"That can't be true!" Laura shut her up, fuming as she darted her disdainful eyes back at me. A tantrum built up as some agreed and some didn't, murmuring among themselves.

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