Chapter 20

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Tears welled up in my eyes, blurring my vision so that I couldn't see clearly where I was treading, but I still couldn't stop running. What he said to me was echoing painfully in my head, sending shivers up and down my spine.

I tried not to believe him. I forced myself to accept that he was lying to push me away, but I knew vividly within me when my mate was telling the truth. I could hear the pain and anguish in his voice from being a killer to his mates. This was why he didn't want to have anything to do with me at the beginning.

He loved me, but would still have to murder me in a gruesome way. What kind of curse is this, and what did he do to deserve this? What did I also do to deserve this kind of end?

I stopped running but was now walking fast and aimlessly, groping through different paths because I couldn't remember the right road that led to my classroom neither could I tell where I was at the time. My brain was hazy and blank as I kept trying not to break down. 

The leisure time was over, so all students were inside the classroom. I was the only one roaming around without any direction. 

What kind of world am I in? I suffered all these years, and now that my mate was here, I thought it was going to be the end, only to realize the only end I would face was death. On the full moon, he was going to murder me. Oh gosh!

I leaned on the wall in the hallway, my eyes closed, as all he had said earlier repeated inside my head, stinging my heart with more pain. My legs were too weak to carry me, so I slid down and sat there on the ground, hearing only the faint sound of teachers teaching inside the classrooms along the hallways.

"Who is this thing here?" I heard someone's voice, and my eyes fluttered open. Two huge male students with rough blonde and brown hair were in front of me with angry looks on their faces. With the way they wore their uniforms, I could tell they were bad students. Tattoos were running along their arms and necks, and their top buttons were all loosening to reveal their broad chests.

They were all sagging their trousers, and it seemed like they had just stomped out of a classroom after being sent away.

"Good....after... morning.." I stammered, standing to my feet and drying my teary eyes.

"What are you doing here?" One of them who had a messy blonde hair growled angrily, his hands inside his pocket.

"Look how poorly she is dressed." The other scoffed, peering at my haggard dress with a sneer.

"I am sorry...I...will be leaving now." I stuttered and spun, about to run, when the hem of my gown was gripped, pulling me back roughly.

"Who gave you admission into this school? Don't think I didn't see that slave mark on your neck!!" I turned my eyes and saw it was the dirty brown-haired guy this time. He seemed to be a more dangerous one, with larger muscles and more tattoos.

The way he snorted would tell you he smoked a lot of hard drugs. His aura was actually choking.

"Please let me go. I missed my way." I pleaded as I realized how strong his grasp was. There was no way I would be able to release myself.

My plea made them laugh.

"You didn't miss your way; the moon goddess served you to us as compensation! Being sent out of the classroom only to meet a bitch sitting outside waiting for, what a great day at school..." He croaked, and the others smirked, lustful glints in their eyes.

My eyes narrowed as I fumed at hearing him call me a bitch.

"Let me go!" I yelled, and they hissed. His grip left my cloth and clutched my hair tightly as he yanked me forward to wherever he was going.

"Where are you taking me to?" I shouted.

"To an enclosed room where you can obtain what you so desperately desire." He snorted without looking back. 

"I don't want anything, I swear. I just lost my way. I have a lesson to attend. Please let me go, I beg you!" I was pleading, but it seemed as if they were deaf at that moment, as they kept sniffing while pulling me away.

I screamed for help, but they weren't moved, making me realize the hallways had soundproofing to prevent any noise from disturbing the students in the classroom.

"Are you going to rape me? Do you even know who I am?" I shrieked, and they paused their pace and shifted their gazes at me.

"We know you are a slave, and every slave has no choice of their own. All you have to do is open those legs while we have fun. Our parents are Alphas and paid more for this school. Just be obedient, and we won't harm you." The blonde forewarned.

"There's no need explaining all that to a filthy slave who the moon goddess served to us after that foolish teacher sent us out of the class!" The other person who was holding me hissed.

" I am also...." I attempted to tell them I was also an Alpha's daughter, but they were tired of hearing my voice and really slapped me, both at the same time, as if it were planned.

"Shut up!" I was warned after the slap that was blinding and stinging. I felt lead in my mouth, which meant I was bleeding.

"And where are you both taking her to?" A voice broke in from some distance, and we both spun to see a female teacher who had just stepped out of a classroom.

"Get lost. It's none of your business." The boys huffed, and just as the teacher saw the faces of the boys, she scurried away even when I pleaded for her help. She was scared of them.

"You see how that teacher left? No one dares us in this school." They boasted and laughed before pulling me a bit till we got to the closed door. 

They pushed the door open, and as I peered in, I saw it was an empty room with just a bed and a table that had packs of condoms.

"You will enjoy it, we promise.." 

"Don't prove stubborn, or you are just going to hurt yourself." 

"Let me go...." I begged again, but it was already pissing them off as I was dragged in and pushed to the bed. There was no strength to run, as I felt with a loud thud.

The brown haired one headed to lock the door while the other began to unbuckle his belt. It was as if I just realized what was about to happen to me. The terror struck me hard, and I cringed, drawing back to the end of the bed as I shook my head with tears flooding down my eyes.

My knees were up to my chin as I wrapped my arms around my body, whimpering because my throat was already sore from endless crying. My heart was so swollen with grief that it began to ache. Even my wolf was exhausted from the constant agony.

Everything about my life was never going well anymore, and when I thought my mate was back to save me from all this, when I thought he had accepted me and would show me the kind of love I had never felt, it all turned out that the same man would be the end of me.

"Ken, where are you?!" The one unbuckling his belt muttered as he turned to the door and couldn't see his fellow, who went to lock the door.

There was no response, so he buckled back his belt and warned me not to leave the bed before rushing to check around the door, confusion and anger all over his face.

But just as he got there, I saw someone's powerful arm from the outside yank him out through his shirt, so rough and hard. The next thing I heard was a sickening cracking of bones with a sharp screech and groan, followed by receding footsteps like people clamoring and running wildly for their lives.
I left the bed and was pacing towards the door carefully in fright when his voice came unexpectedly.

"You missed your path? You should have waited for me, so we will return to the classroom together." I heard my mate's disembodied voice as he later appeared on the doorstep.

Our eyes met, and my legs stuck to the ground. The first thing that rang in my head was his words earlier about slaying his mates. I was staring at him, but all I could see was my glaring death. 

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