Chapter 27

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Ella's POV

It was the third day at school. Another day to sulk and cry bitterly inside my heart while forcing a calm expression from the outside. The students bully me with taunts and derisive comments, but my ears are deaf to their words of jealousy.

It hurts me so badly that I was suffering over what will never be mine. My mate was a mere illusion that would fade away in a few weeks. The love of my life was the raging storm about to sweep me away. 

Each time he stepped into the classroom to teach, my heart would sink into my stomach, and every part of me would slide into chaos. He avoided me and wouldn't even spare me a glance, pulling a stern look and acting like I never existed. 

We both knew the terrible future—that sad end that would hit us like a hurricane. 

I was already the student's enemy because they thought I was capturing his heart after he gave me special treatment on some occasions. Scarlett doesn't talk to me anymore unless it's very important. 

She had suddenly kept her distance from me, as if she wasn't concerned about my existence anymore. It was more surprising to see Laura join in on giving me breathing space without her annoying yelling and beatings.

As I sat there on my desk, I wondered what might have caused it, and then it struck my mind that Laura wasn't a common wolf and had demonic powers. She must have found out about my sad end with my mate somehow and told my father and Scarlet, which must be why they don't stress themselves by tormenting me.

I hissed to myself and lay hopelessly on my desk. My head was aching and my eyes were burning in tears once again. Not even my stomach could free me from some pain as they panged in hunger. 

I couldn't eat this morning and had brought my food to school. When it was break time, I had left the class in the cafeteria to eat, which was a huge mistake.

A group of senior girls in the 12th grade final spotted me and stomped over to my table. They kicked and stomped on my food on the ground, warning me to stay away from Dracula. 

I was really stunned and speechless. It hurt more that I was suffering for a man who was going to kill me soon. 

More tears prickled and poured down my cheeks freely as my lips trembled and I bit on them to push back the sob that was threatening to burst out.

Just then, the class that was quite noisy and busy went so dead silent that one could hear a pin drop. I was confused but couldn't lift my head.

"Ella..." I heard his voice. Dracula's husky voice wasped through my ears, sounding unreal because we weren't expecting him in class. I thought it was only happening in my head until he called the second time.

I drew up my wet face, and there he was, standing in front of my desk in his towering height, with a cute smile and his hand outstretched to me.

"I heard what those students did. Can you join me in the school restaurant?" He offered, and I instantly stopped breathing at that moment as his smile and angelic gaze captured my soul.

The whole class gasped and murmured in disbelief and great shock. I knew they were all staring at us but at that moment, I couldn't sense anyone but Dracula, whose green eyes held the warmth my soul craved.

I slowly gave him my hand, and he took it gently, pulling me up with care and affection. I couldn't turn away from his eyes, which grasped my heart.

"Let's go." He beamed, his eyes sparkling with intense passion.

"Are I...dreaming?" I muttered, swallowing hard and blinking.

He leaned closer, and his lips went over to my ears, his hot breath fanning my skin and sending shivers down my spine.

"Let's enjoy the short moment we have. I will do everything possible not to end your life on that night, but if I fail, just know we will go down the drain together." He whispered passionately and glazed his lips over my neck.

"What do you mean?" I asked lowly, trying not to believe he actually meant what he said literally.

"You know exactly what I mean. Can we go now?" He cooed and pecked my cheeks, causing uproar from the female students, who couldn't believe their eyes.

"You are taking me out, you know that?" I gasped, and he laughed softly before leading me out of the class. I glanced through the whole classroom and could see the peering eyes, including Scarlett's on me. The teacher who had come to lecture us was in the class and was in a daze too seeing what was going on.

Is this real?

I mused confusedly to myself, breathing shakily and gasping as I tried to walk properly while gazing at our palms clasped together.

"This must be a dream," I breathed, shutting and opening my eyes continuously, thinking I would wake to realize I was dreaming.

"It isn't a dream. It is just that I couldn't suffer anymore. The torture is so unbearable and grueling that i found it hard to concentrate on whatever I was doing. I was hurting you by staying away from you, and the pain was more agonizing to me." He spoke in a cracking voice that touched my soul.

"I won't survive being your mate, so it doesn't matter." I exhaled, and he chuckled.

"Maybe I will be the one who doesn't survive." He shrugged, and I darted my eyes at him in surprise.

"How?...I don't kill. You will be the one to...."

"Stop." He hushed me with his index finger across my lips.

"Let us not discuss that and ruin this moment, which took a lot of courage for me to pull in. Did you see how everyone was startled at the stunt I pulled?" He laughed in a beautiful tone that made me flash a quick look at him with a narrow gaze.

"Why is everything about you sexy? Even your laughter causes butterflies to appear inside my stomach " I voiced out immediately with a gawk at him while he chuckled and moved his eyes to my face.

I quickly looked away to avoid those magical eyes from melting me.

"I wish I could explain your eyes and how the sound of your voice gives me butterflies. How your smile makes my heart skip a beat and how every time I am with you, I feel complete." He purred with a soft squeeze on my palm, sending electrifying shivers down my spine as my heart stopped right inside my chest.

My cheeks turned bright red as I blushed uncontrollably at his words, my heart racing erratically.

"Are you for real?" I muttered under my breath as we both sat around an empty table inside the restaurant. 

"I have never been so real as now." He uttered , staring keenly at my lips.

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