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This chapter is dedicated to@monicaLombard3

"so what would you prefer questions or you'll tell us" dad said. I looked at Conan. "questions"he answered. "When did it start?" He said.

"When we're six" I said. "What did he do to you?" Mom asked.

"He would hit us every single day. I was only allowed to eat on Sundays. When I was 7 I attempted suicide..." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

Jasper and Conan squeezed my palm. "he found me there took me to the hospital. That night we came home he" I couldn't even look at them.

"He raped her and started selling us to buyers for a duration of a month or two"Conan continued.

"One our 11th birthday she was released from the basement along with Noah. They were there for 9 months. Hult and Mike Noah's dad forced them to have sex saying that they needed to make a baby"Jasper said.

I was silently sobbing. I haven't actually healed from this. I just swiped it under the rug.

"A week later she was declared pregnant. The abuse didn't stop. They'd just avoid the abdomen. We would be sold to be manwhores. " Canon said.

"I delivered the twins two months before time because of Mike. I was allowed to be with them for the first six months. Hult and his wife would hit me more and occasionally the twins. "I whispered I'm sure they heard because they had tears rolling down.

"After the six months I was allowed to meet them every after three months for about a week that's where I was " I stated.

I didn't tell them the whole truth. They didn't need to know. I'm not ready for that. Bites by bites. Mom came and gave us a hug.

For the first in seven years we broke. Our walls broke. We were tired of being strong. Dad came along. We stayed there for ten minutes.

"Where are your kids" mom asked me. " In California with Noah" I mumbled in mom's arms. Dad was comforting Jasper and Conan.

"Can we fly them here I want to meet my grandchildren"dad said. "I don't think I want my brothers to find out not yet I don't...trust them" I said.

"I understand can I atleast see them?" He asked. I took out my phone and rang Noah's number.

"Hey Babydoll did you get home safely?" He said and I blushed. I'm not used to getting complements. "Yes I'm fine my parents want to see Ryker and Romilly " I said.

"Ryker! Romilly! Mommy is on the line" he yelled. They came running from wherever. "Mommy!" They yelled. "Don't you want to see your grandparents?" I asked.

They stayed silent"don't worry they aren't like Mike they love you "I said softly. "Otay " Romilly said. Ryker held Romilly's hand and smiled.

Mom and dad came from behind me and looked at the twins."oh your so cute I can't wait for you to come I'm going to shower you with love and gifts " mom said.

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