Chapter 15

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The End

Kayla's POV

It had been a couple of days since I tried to expose Lia, and I ended up exposing myself instead. I feel really stupid and dumb and now I am on a flight leaving Jamaica and everything behind if only I had just accepted everything I wouldn't be in this situation but no I had to try to expose my best friend the only person who loved me more than my family and would do anything for me.

I finally realized what I did wrong. I convinced myself that I was the one for Josh and that we were going to get married I ignored every sign and red flag because I wanted it so bad and in wanting it all I lost myself and the only person who had loved me and in the same breathe my brother went too he still loves me but he loves her like no other.

He poured his heart out to me in a message about how he felt and it made me reflect on my actions, I still don't accept them being together but I can't do anything about it yet. So I am wishing them the best and I hope Lia forgives me I don't deserve her forgiveness and I know everything that happens is for a reason but I can't believe I did that to her and now I have to accept the life that I chose and leave everything behind.

As I sit on the plane pondering about all my thoughts and the decisions I made and I decided that I was going to get some therapy and take life seriously.

I always wanted to be an Audiologist so I applied to various amount of universities and got accepted into six ; Virginia State University, Kentucky State University, Brown University, Barton College, John Hopkins University &Tennessee State University and I was now looking at which one has the best program for me and what helped me get my future life faster.

I have been trying to get in contact with Lia but it looked like she blocked me or changed her number. One thing about her she doesn't dwell on something too long I know this is hard for her and I know our history doesn't make it easy. I don't how I was so stupid.

I texted my brother to tell him to give Lia a letter I wrote for her after the plane landed and I went to my now-new home and saw an incoming call from my him.

I answered saying"Hey bro"

"Hi Kayla this isn't your brother, I just wanted to tell you I read the letter and I do forgive you but we can't be friends again no matter what I was going through I would have never done that to you or try to think about anything like because I respected you enough, I am very sorry you got exposed and I hope you can find peace and acceptance I wish you the best in the states"

"Thank you that means so much to me, I understand everything you are saying and I am going to try to work on myself. I am really sorry"

"Okay have a good night"

"Bye lia"

"Bye Kayla" she said and hanged up

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