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Ch 18: Blake

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My smile fell as I watched Vorian go, stepping from behind the tree to start making his way toward the city. My eyes trailed his stiff steps as he tried navigating the remaining forest path, clearly a stranger to this environment.

If only he knew what was waiting for him, I thought as I watched him get closer and closer to the awaiting city.

It felt weird somehow, watching him leave. An odd feeling washed over me at the realization that I would never see him again. It was a familiar feeling, but one so lost to time I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

Regardless of how it made me feel, this was for the best.

The fewer people in my life the better, I thought to myself, turning around to begin my long trek back to the cabin.

Besides, I gave him his blaster so hopefully, he would take out a few deviants along the way.

Glancing up at the sky, it looked to be about mid-afternoon to early evening. The ominous dark clouds that I had feared earlier had now settled over the forest, making it hard to tell exactly what time it was. Fortunately, they did not bring a storm as I had feared. Instead, they just hung over the trees, teasing me with the threat of unexpected rain.

But it wouldn't hurt to hurry a bit, I thought, picking up my pace to a light jog. At this rate, I wouldn't make it home before dark, but it would have to be close enough.

I stepped over a large branch in my path and glanced at it momentarily as I passed, a frown creasing my brows.

I didn't remember seeing that on the way up, I wondered, glancing around my surroundings.

I hadn't gotten lost, had I? The thought raced through my mind, making my eyes round with panic as they darted around the area. My gaze settled on a familiar marking tree I had recognized, and I let out a breath of relief as I calmed my racing heart.

Well, I wasn't lost...but if that was true...then the path had changed. Someone or something had changed it. I slowed my pace to silence my footsteps and stay alert.

There were no strong winds that could have carried that branch, so someone or something had been here...and recently. At the thought, I clenched my jaw. Slowly, I grabbed my gun out of its holster, cocking back the trigger and aiming it ahead.

I steadied my breath, listening to the trees around me as I slowly made my way through the forest. I listened to everything. The way the trees creaked and groaned, the way the leaves flittered in the light breeze, the crunch of grass and dead leaves beneath my boots on the wet ground. Every sound had a pattern until I heard one that didn't.

Sucking in my breath, I paused, listening to the sudden rustling in a nearby bush. I aimed my gun in the direction of the noise, waiting. The rustling continued, seemingly unaware of my presence. Slowly, I approached, my gun loaded and aimed.

With my next step, I saw a rock beside my boot. Keeping my gun on the noise, I slowly kneeled, picking up the rock. Rolling the small stone in my hand, I quickly tossed it into the bush and immediately aimed my gun in expectation.

As soon as the rock hit the bush, a torment of crows exploded from the bush, squawking and flapping their large wings as they took to the sky above me. Startled, I gasped, taking a few steps back.

Damn stupid birds! I cursed, taking a deep breath to steady my heartbeat. Closing my eyes, I pressed the butt of my gun against my forehead.

Relax Blake, it was just some freaking birds. I said to myself, slipping my gun back into its holster. The city had a way of making me paranoid. Letting out a breath, I opened my eyes and continued on my way.

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