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Ch 35: Vorian

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A while had passed since the Terran General left to enact his revenge while I was left to endure helpless confinement in this damned base. I struggled against my restraints for a while, but the Terran guards simply inserted more sharp needles into my flesh, pumping more of their deliberating poisons into my blood and making me weaker by the minute. With nothing I could do, I sagged against my restraints as my hopelessness began to consume me.

Though I had managed to contract my fleet, my actions came at a steep cost. Now, the Terran General was headed to Blake and Jada with blood on his mind, and there was nothing I could do about it.

The thought made my chest ache, and I hung my head, trying desperately not to picture what might happen if Blake still remained in her dwelling unaware of what was coming.

Surely she would have left by now. Blake is smart, she would know that it wasn't safe. I repeated in my mind, trying to calm my racing heart to no avail.

Please, Blake. Please be alright...

"Are you our relief?" I heard one of the Terran guards stationed beside me ask, pulling me out of my thoughts.

The switch of the guards was the only reminder of how much time had passed in this infernal room since it was closed off to the rise and fall of the yellow star. Though I didn't look up, I could hear the hesitant footsteps of the new set of guards that approached.

It was clear that many of the guards in this room feared me, especially after my escape attempt. But I could hardly blame them, for their fear was justified. If I ever got out of here, I would give them something to be very afraid of.

"Yes," A voice replied and I froze.

I knew that voice.

Looking up, my eyes fell on the new set of guards that had approached. I found my gaze drawn to the smaller of the two, a female guard whose bright green eyes were looking right at me. Eyes that I immediately recognized.


It had to be her.

My eyes widened in disbelief as I took her in. My gaze fell from the soft features of her face to the uniform that was poorly fitted and hung loose on her proud frame. With her hair tucked under her hat, she did an excellent job trying to conceal her identity, but by the way her expression darkened upon turning to the guards, I knew without a doubt it was her.

Blake was here, standing before me.

I watched in utter disbelief as she and another guard switched places with the former guards to stand watch beside me. All the while, I couldn't help but stare. She kept her gaze focused ahead of her as she assumed her position to my left. She hadn't acknowledged me, but she didn't have to, I knew it was her.

Seeing her so close, I felt my heart race with anticipation. With the male guard on the other side of me, I turned my head, keeping my voice low as I spoke only to her.

"Blake?" I whispered, and I heard her sharp inhale of breath. Yet, even at my words, she kept her eyes trained ahead to not gather suspicion.

"Yes," Came her hushed reply and I felt my body thrum with emotion.

It was her! But how?

"What are you doing here?" I whispered quickly, glancing at the male guard beside me who paid us no mind.

"I'm here to get you out. You didn't think I'd let those assholes threaten us like that and get away with it did you?" She replied, briefly glancing at me from under her hat to give me a pointed look.

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