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Ch 21: Vorian

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Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the Terran male move. Reaching for his gun, he immediately aimed it at Blake.

Anger coursed through my whole body, propelling me forward toward Blake who had just begun to turn to see what I was looking at. Lunging, my arms wrapped around her just as the sound of the gun went off.

A loud bang echoed through the street just as I pushed Blake out of the way. After the gun had gone off, I released her, instantly turning my focus to our attacker. He remained laid out on the street where I had left him, though he had managed to grab his discarded gun and aim it at Blake. I had planned on letting him live after he genuinely claimed to have no clue where my ship was, but not anymore.

The Deviant's eyes were wide as he watched me turn to him, raising his gun again to aim at me.

I clenched my jaw.

He shot once more and I dodged the bullet easily, running toward him. I grabbed the gun from his hand and broke it in my grasp instantly, before grabbing the Deviant by the neck. Blinded by rage, I hoisted him up from the street to suspend his body in the air. The Deviant mumbled a bunch of incoherent pleas for his life as I lifted him into the air, bringing his face closer to mine.

"You killed yourself when you aimed that gun at her," I said, not giving him a second to reply before tossing him into the nearest structure. His body slammed into the hard wall with a sickening thud before collapsing onto the street below, unmoving.

After glancing around to see if any other Terran was stupid enough to try anything, I finally turned back to Blake.

Once my eyes found her, I froze.

Blake was standing where I had left her, but something was off. Her face had gone white, and her body swayed slightly as she reached a shaky hand down to her thigh. When she pulled her hand away, her palm was soaked in a thick red substance.

It was blood.

Her blood.

Blake's hand shook as she looked at the blood in shock before her knees buckled and she collapsed onto the street.

"Blake!" I cried, rushing over to her. I was at her side in an instant, kneeling beside her wounded leg. My eyes widened as I took in the angry red gash that stretched across the center of Blake's thigh.

The bullet had hit her after all.

I wasn't fast enough...

Guilt consumed me as I watched on helplessly while she immediately pressed her hands against the wound, trying to stop the blood pooling around her leg.

"I can't believe that asshole shot me," Blake muttered, wincing as she pressed down on her wound.

"Please Blake, how can I help?" I rushed out, my eyes darting between her and the wound. I had no knowledge of Terran physiology. Though I knew that they were weak, much weaker than my own species. A wound like this for me would be a mere scratch, fully healed within hours. But for Blake, it could be life-threatening.

Panic and fear rushed through my veins at the thought of Blake dying here on the street tonight due to my incompetence.

No! I wouldn't let that happen!

I couldn't!

"Blake, please, tell me what to do!" I insisted, standing over her hunched form, glancing behind me for threats.

I had to be more aware. I would not make the same mistake again.

"I can handle this, but we need to get out of here," Blake said, clenching her teeth as she tried to stand. But as soon as she put pressure on her leg, she let out an agonized cry and collapsed back on the street again in a shaking heap.

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