Chapter eight

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"HERE IS THE CAKE!" She happily sang.

She had brought the cake she promised, and everyone greeted her with cheers and hugs.

Her presence was like a missing puzzle piece that completed the picture.

And all after the gifts and they had sung happy birthday to Iwazumi, the party began.

The music got louder, the drinks flowed freely, and everyone danced like crazy. The scene was chaotic and wild, but everyone seemed to be having the time of their lives.

Oikawa couldn't help but feel a little suspicious of her, especially when he knew that she was always on time.

But soon, he forgot as he started to drink with his friends.

He even forgot that her little sister wasn't old enough to drink yet...


The phone didn't ring more than three times before the person on the other side answered.

"Hello? ____?"

She, in her drunken state, smiled silently while she bit her lower lip. "Hello Wakatoshiiii-channnnnnnnnnnn."

"_____..." He asked, a little worried given the hour. "Did something happen?"

"No, nothing...I had a few drinks...but I-" She was interrupted by some hiccups, but her tone was still flirty. "I just wanted to hear your voice."

"My voice?"

"Yes..." She admitted while giggling, "I liked seeing you today, I liked to see that you are very talented and hardworking, and so passionate about your plays,"

"But I was distracted at first."

"What?? Were you?" She opened her mouth in surprise. "Well, I didn't notice. I was just staring at you. Why were you?" She talked with no restrictions whatsoever.

"Because of you."

Her face was already red, but somehow, he always was able to make the color even deeper. "Because of me?!"

"Yes, I was thinking of you." He admitted. "I was really hoping you could come even when you told me you couldn't."

"Ahh, Ushijimaaa! I wanted it to be a surprise!" She pouted.

She believed she heard a small chuckle, but she decided to not believe her intoxicated brain.

"I like you."



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