Chapter Eighteen

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The delicious aroma woke her up, the coldness on the sheet made her realize the missing Ushijima.

She stood over after stretching all her body walking over to the kitchen where the noise was coming from.

Then she saw Ushijima; him cooking with the tiniest smile over his lips, cooking and flipping the pancakes effortlessly.

She smiled and she walked over to him,"Woah since when you know how to cook?" She rested her arms over the counter, her eyes not leaving him.

He turned to her. "Good morning ____. Did you sleep well?"

She smiled and gave him a thumbs up, probably the best sleep she had in a long while.

She sat on the counter staring at him. He was still in his pajamas, wearing some joggers with the normal shirt. A combo that would look normal on everyone, but on him...

The shirt was simple but was a little tight around his chest and arms the joggers only market his firm butt. Certainly, a view that would please anyone really, she felt lucky it was only hers.

He served the pancakes onto two plates, and looking pretty enough to not want to eat them. But her stomach roared, so she excitedly took a bite.

DAmn, "WakatosSHI! This is niCEEE!" She said taking another bite. "Where did you learn to do this??"

A soft smile graced his lips as he met her shiny eyes. "I learned after spending a lot of time on my own," he replied.

"Alone..." She thought for a moment after taking another bite. "Isn't hard? Like going to school? or getting to do homework alone?"

He shook his head. "I don't think im alone, i have Tendo and I can call my parents whenever i need to. I actually enjoy it."

She looked at him, a mix of curiosity and admiration in her eyes. "You're really independent, aren't you?"

Suddenly, a realization struck her. "Wait... Aren't you supposed to be at school today?"

He chuckled softly, shaking his head. "I decided to take the day off. Spending time with you is more important to me right now."

Her eyes widened in surprise. "But what about your practice?"

She knew that for her brother it was probably the most important time in the world.

He reached out and gently held her hand, his touch comforting and warm. "I can skip one day."

Unable to contain her excitement, she threw her arms around him. She pressed her body against his, feeling the warmth of his embrace as her heart overflowed with joy.

"Wakatoshi, you're amazing!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with pure delight.


As they walked through the aisles of the grocery shop, she couldn't help but complain about her desire to take care of him as well.

"I want to cook for you, Wakatoshi," she said with a playful glimmer in her eyes.

He gently shook his head, a soft smile adorning his face. "No, ___. You are the guest in my home. Let me take care of you."

She pouted, pretending to be disappointed. "But you made breakfast, it's my turn to cook."

"Okay." He chuckled, his voice warm and reassuring. "How about we cook together then? It'll be our joint effort."

A spark of excitement ignited within her as she nodded eagerly. "Okay! Teamwork then."

Their laughter echoed through the store as they playfully picked out ingredients, discussing what they wanted to cook together.

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