A hard days night part 2

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(Cut to Izzie closing a curtain, cut to the cafeteria. HOUR 7.)

George sits down. Izzie is staring at the food with some horror.

While Hope walk right into the cafeteria right after Izzie and George. Not that either of the interns have noticed her quite yet.

"This shift is a marathon, not a sprint, eat." Dr. O'Malley says matter-of-factly.

"I can't." Izzie tells George

"You should eat something." George tells Dr. Stevens.

"You try eating after performing seventeen rectal exams. The nazi hates me." Izzie tell O'Malley

"The nazi's a resident." "I have attendings hating me." George says trying to make the blonde feel better.

How ever it did make Hope smile.

"You know Meredith is inbred?" Cristina asked as she walked towards the table

"Like it's uncommon around here to be a doctor's -" The O'Malley man starts to say but was quickly interrupted by Cristina.

"No, I mean royally inbred." "Her mother is Ellis Grey." Dr.Yang tells her fellow interns

"Shut up, the Ellis Grey?" The blonde intern, asked excitedly.

With the way the small group of interns were talking about Dr.Gray family, it made Hope wander what they would be saying if they new who her parents were.

Hope went back to listening to the interns conversation since she is still bored.

The small group of interns were laughing and making fun of George, since he had no idea who Ellis Gray was.


Meredith finally came into the cafeteria. Complaining about Katie Bryce.

after calming down a bit Dr.Gray sat down at the table with her fellow interns.

After a couple of minutes Dr.Burke came into the cafeteria.

"Good afternoon interns." "It's posted, but I thought I'd share the good news personally." "As you know, the honour of performing the first surgery is reserved for the intern that shows the most promise." "As I'm running the OR today, I get to make that choice." (he claps George on the back) "George O'Malley." "You'll scrub in for an adipectomy this afternoon." "Congratulations." Dr.Burke tells him, before he walk away


Hope shakes her head in disappointment, knowing that the only reason Dr.Burke chose George is because he know Dr. O'Malley is going to freeze.


Cut to another part of the hospital.

"I've seen his file. George O'Malley barely made the cut to get into this program, he's not your guy." Miranda Bailey explained to Dr.Burke

"No, he's my guy all right." Dr. Burke respond

"Shit, every year you pick your guy, and every year your guy suffers more than any other intern on surgery." Dr. Bailey fired back

"Terrorise one, and the rest fall in line." Burke tells Bailey with a smirk on his face.

"I get it, I respect it, but George? O'Malley's a puppy, he can't even take the pressure." The quote on quote Nazi says.


"Katie Bryce, 3604?" A woman questioned

"It's right there." A nurse tells the woman

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