𝕒𝕣𝕔𝕒𝕕𝕖 |chapter 1 end|

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While Aether and Paimon conversated with various locals around the city, y/n remained at the bottom of the steps that would lead up to the fountain of the plaza, staring forward in deep thought.

Occasionally, she'd be startled out of her trance by the people that'd be saying 'thank you' to her while they passed by, unable to formulate a proper response and merely bowing her head instead.

"You look rather out of place." The familiar voice of a certain outrider caused her to turn around and look at the girl dressed in red who was approaching her with a friendly smile. "Care to share your thoughts?"

"Oh- Amber," y/n rubbed her head, unsure of how to respond. "Eh..I was just thinking about everything that's happened up until now." She excused. "Aether and I..we've only arrived here in Mondstadt a small while ago, yet we're already deemed as heroes now. It's a little overwhelming."

"Ah, i get it." Amber's smile turned sheepish. "..Although being seen as a hero seems like a dream to others, I feel the need to apologize to you for it." She placed a hand over her own chest. "It should've been our responsibility to protect Mondstadt, not yours. I'm sorry for all you had to go through for our sake."

"Ah- no, please don't apologize." Y/n reached to take ahold of her hand and gently move it away from her chest. "It was our own decision to help out, so our own responsibility. I just- find it a little hard to believe that we actually managed to succeed."

Amber glanced down at their hands, chuckling softly. Y/n, now realizing her own actions, soon let go of it and pulled her own hands back, glancing to the side out of embarrassment.

"Well, I say it proves just how reliable you two are." Amber came to her own conclusion, a look of pride in her eyes. "We're proud to have you as our honorary knights."

"..Thank you." Y/n still didn't really understand what that title held in, but Amber's sincerity was something she didn't miss. "Anyway, enough about me. What are you doing here in the city?"

"Lunchbreak! I could really use a meal right about now." The outrider answered simply. "All this running around has me craving some sticky honey roast!"

"Right." Y/n laughed a little. "I think Aether and Paimon are still talking to Sara right now, we could head to good hunter together?"

"Y/n," Amber said abruptly, and y/n couldn't help but flinch.


"Believe me when I say I mean this in the nicest way possible." The brunette would say first before laughing softly to herself. "You look like a mess."

Thinking about it, she really did appear untidy, didn't she?
Her hanfu was wrinkled and her hair was disheveled.

Compared to when she first stepped inside of the city, she did look like a disaster now.

"I didn't think your attire would be able to last this long in a nation like this anyway." Amber shook her head before taking ahold of one of y/n's hands, catching her off guard.

"Luckily for you, I know the perfect place to get something new!"

"Huh?" Y/n stumbled slightly upon getting pulled along. "Hey- Amber! Didn't you say you were hungry?"

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