Eddie Diaz.

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I was 8 months pregnant with my husbands baby.

We've been married for two years and been together for 5.

I'm a paramedic but i was put on a leave. And not gonna lie I've had a lot of Braxton hicks so today is the same as no other.

I woke up to my husband kissing my forehead.

"Hey baby. Sorry didn't mean to wake you up."

"No it's fine. I need to get up anyway."

"I was gonna go to the store. Need anything?"

"Uhm.. I don't know. Can I come with you?"

He shook his head at me.

"No. You know your supposed to be resting."

"No, you don't understand. I've been stuck in this house for months. I'm literally losing my mind. So therefore I'm going with you. And if you say no. I will not hesitate to either walk or steal your truck." I said trying to put my shoes on. Which is very hard considering that I can't reach my toes.

I hear him chuckle.

"Need help over there?"

"Nope I got it."

"Are you sure?"



5 minutes later.

"Okay please help me. I can't believe you just watched me struggle for 5 minutes."

"Hey! You told me not to." He said as he walks over.

"Didn't think you'd actually listen." I mumbled earning a laugh from Eddie.

After he tied my shoes he put his hands on my belly.

"Hey little girl. Can't believe I'm gonna see you soon."

"Ow!" I say making him look up at me.

"Whats wrong?" He asked concerned

"She just kicked me." I playfully rolled my eyes

"Jeez, Y/n you scared me."

"I'm sorry."

"Wait when is Christopher coming home?" I asked him

"Later on tonight."

I just nodded as he helped me stand up.

We both got dressed and headed to the car.


As we in the store I started to feel kinda lightheaded so I sat down of one of the seats they were selling. I closed my eyes tight because it felt like the world was spinning

"Baby are you okay?"

"Yep just got kinda lightheaded for a second."

"Is your vision blurry? Or do you have shortness of breath?"

"My visions blurry but I can breath fine. I'm okay baby." I said as I stood up.

"Can I just make sure your alright?" He says grabbing my hand to make sure I'm okay.

"No Eddie. I'm fine love."

"Okay.." He says unsure but I could tell he's up to something. But I just shrug it off.

I don't know why but we picked up everything on or grocery list all but the cold things. Which made me very confused.


On the way back to the house we had passed the road where our house was.

"Ooh are we getting food?"


"Then why did we pass our house?"

He just ignored me.

"Eddie. Are we going to pick up Chris?"

He ignored me again.

"Edmundo Diaz. Where are we going."

No answer so I just got on my phone and got on tiktok.

A couple minutes later
I felt the car go to a stop.

I looked up to see the hospital.

"Eddie! I told you I'm fine."

"I know but since you won't let me make sure your okay, I'll let the doctors make sure you and the baby are okay."

"Ughhh. Do I have to go in there? I just wanted relax today."

"Says the one who wanted to go with me because you were "so bored" And yes you do." he said as he shut his door and walked over to my side.

"You know I can open the door myself right?" I said after he opened my door.

"Yet you let me anyway."

I just rolled my eyes playfully as I got out.


After a 30 minute wait then another hour just to be cleared, we learned it was just low blood pressure.

We were already headed back and I was giving Eddie a smug look.

"You drug me to the hospital, so now you have to get me food." I say as I smile at him. .

"Fine." He says as he laughed.

"When Chris gets home can we have a movie night?" I ask

"Uhm depends on what time he gets home."

"Oh come on! He's 10 he can stay up later now."

"Fineee." He said after he rolled his eyes playfully.


This one is so cute!!!

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