Evan Buckley.

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This was requested by bibisarina1234
I hope you like it!!


I had a stressful day at work. I was tired and I wasn't in the mood for anything. I was on the way home when I got stuck in traffic.
I sighed and grabbed my phone to call my boyfriend.

"Hey! Where are you?"

"Stuck in traffic." I mumble

"Are you okay?"

"Not really.. Stressful day at work. I got in a fight with my boss about my paycheck being late, and now he's mad at me. And Right before I left I spilt a boiling hot coffee on me and burnt my hand pretty bad." I say as the traffic finally starts moving.

"Oh.. Love I'm sorry. Do you need to get your hand checked out?"

"Can I just let you look at it? I'm really not in the mood to go anywhere."

"Yeah of course. I'll order us some Chinese. Does that sound alright?"

"Yes please."

"I Love you baby."

"I Love you more." I say then hang up.


I finally get home but whenever I go to open the door Buck beats me to it.

"Hey my beautiful girl. Come on." He says giving me a quick peck on the lips.

I smile then walk inside.
He quickly follows and puts his hands on my lower waist and walks with me.
He grabs my hand and walks me over to the couch. Then signals me to sit down

"Buck, baby what are you doing?" I say as I sit down.

"Stay here. I'll be back" he says leaning down and giving me a passionate kiss.

I shift my body so I'm laying on the couch.

Buck come back in the room but with a huge basket.

"I want you be relaxed tonight. I was thinking of a bubble bath but I figured you'd like this better!"

When he sees the curious look on my face he tilts it down so I can see all the candy and snacks he had put together.

"I also found a new movie we can watch tonight! I figured since you had a long day, we could watch movies, eat snacks and cuddle!" He says smiling

I get up and walk to him.

"I love you so much Evan Buckley." I say hugging him. After he hugs me back for a moment he picks me up. Grabs the bowl and walks to our shared room and lays me on the bed. He grabs the remote on his beside table and jumps right next to me making me giggle.

"Well cmon!" He says opening his arms.
I laugh and scoot closer to him so he can wrap me in his arms. I snuggle into his side and grab a snack out the bin while he's putting on the movie.

"Thank you." I tell him

"The food should be here in a hour, okay baby?"

"Okie dokie. I'm sorry you went thru all this trouble."

"I'd go through hell and back for you love bug. This was no trouble at all. I hate you had a rough day and I felt the need to cheer you up." He says then kissed my forehead.

I look up at him and give him a smile.

"Thank you for all this. Really, it does make me cheer up. I'm so glad I can call you mine." I lean up and give him a long kiss.
He just smiles but grabbed my hand and looked at it.

"Jeez. That looks really bad. I'll be back." He says getting up

"Nooo please don't move. I'm comfy!" I whine

"I promise I'll be right back! Stay here, don't touch your hand."



About two minutes later he comes back in with a roll of bandages.

"Here, sit up." He says sitting down signaling me to give me my hand

I quickly sit up and give him my hand.

He gently grabbed it and starting wrapping it.

"There we go! Now one last thing and it will be all better."

I look at him confused but then he lifts it up to his lips and kisses it.

"Stopppp! Your being so cute. Like a golden retriever."

He puts down my hand, and rolls his eyes.

"What? That's a compliment!"

"No I know. It's just you are the 3rd person who's told me that today!" He says laughing making me laugh also.

"Well I mean it's true!" I say giggling

"Mhm suree" he says pulling me into his arms.

"No more talking, I wanna cuddle with the most gorgeous girl on the planet."

"I love you so much buck."

"I love you too baby."


Thank you so much for the request!
I'm glad I could write this oneshot for you!

If you have any more requests just message me!

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