Chapter 2

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Even from a distance away, Cherie saw that same kindness in Skylar's features, she was trying to be kind but she also saw that the woman was seeking an escape, an escape she was too polite to orchestrate on her own. Should she save her, Cherie wondered? No, that wasn't the plan, she told herself. The plan was to leave, to get out of there and save herself from judgment.

Would Skylar want to be saved by her? It had been years, twenty years to be exact and any friendship that had developed in the past was sure to be dissolved with the lack of communication over that time. Who had failed who? Was it her that failed Skylar by not reaching out or was it Skylar that failed her? It was a mystery she was sure she wouldn't solve by just staying there and yet, she wouldn't allow herself to go any closer.


Cherie watched Skylar down on the field, not intentionally, but she was in the middle of a stretch from being huddled over her book for so long and she caught sight of Skylar, who was now a cheerleader. She had quickly moved up the high school hierarchy and had become quite popular in a short time, thanks to her connection to Jimmy.

They hadn't spoken since Skylar's first day and Cherie wondered if Jimmy had anything to do with it. Did he warn Skylar that any association with her would destroy her credibility at the school? Why had that thought cross her mind? Did she really want to be friends with Skylar? Her mind told her yes but she shook it off. Just because the girl was nice once, it didn't mean she wanted to create a friendship with her. Returning to her book, she put the thought out of her mind.

Ten minutes later, she heard someone approaching her but she didn't look up. She learned not to engage with her school mates so they would quickly lose interest in bothering her.

"How do you do it?" Was the question that came and she knew it was Skylar. She had somehow memorized the girl's voice.

"Do what?" Cherie responded to her question, pretending to be nonchalant about their interaction.

"Be you." She said it as though she knew everything she was going through and perhaps she did. She was sure Jimmy and his friends filled her in on everyone in the school, including her.

"I don't really have a choice. This was the hand I was dealt. There's no other option but for me to be me."

"See, that." She responded as if they were deep into a familiar conversation, as if they were friends and took a seat beside her. "You seem so effortlessly unbothered by it all. You don't find it hard being in this school, where everyone ridicules you, teases you and ignores you?"

It was difficult but she couldn't bring herself to show Skylar that she was struggling. She had to show them all that she was above it. It would get better, at least that's what the older gays say.

"Well, not everyone," Cherie finally spoke and Skylar looked over at her, "You're not ignoring me, unless this is some kind of horrible practical joke that you're about to pull on me."

"That's not what this is," Skylar assured her and Cherie saw sincerity in her eyes before she looked away.

"Then what is it?"

"I just thought you might need or even want a friend."

"You want to be my friend?"

"Why not?"

"I won't do much for your popularity, trust me. Don't mess it up by hanging out with me."

"Who says I care about popularity?"

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