Chapter 10

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"How long will you make me wait?"

The question came as if Skylar already knew that Cherie would decide to join her in Denmark, though she had, she hadn't shared that information with Skylar as yet. Cherie was sure that her decision was obvious, as obvious as her renewed infatuation with Skylar.

"Not long, I promise."

"I'm going to hold you to that." Skylar placed another kiss on Cherie's lips. "Thank you for upgrading my ticket to first class."

"Thank you for letting me. I want you to be comfortable."

"I should get to my gate."


"I'll message you when I land."

"I'll be waiting."


It's been a few days since Skylar returned to Denmark and with each day of her absence, Cherie wondered why she hadn't left with her. Sure, she had to pack up her belongings but as she went through it all, she realized that there was nothing she wanted to keep. All her possessions were memories of her time with Sophia, memories she no longer wanted to keep or remember. Those mementos, her clothes, and everything that littered the house were part of her old life and once she rid herself of them, she would be free to create a new life in Denmark with Skylar.

The thought made her smile, thinking of Skylar always had that effect on her and she prayed that it would never change.

She sent a message to Skylar to give her a call on Skype when she had a chance and as soon as the call connected, she told Skylar she was coming.


"Tomorrow" The answer garnered the desired reaction. "Well, not exactly tomorrow because of the time difference but I will be there soon. I booked the ticket already."

"I really thought you were going to make me wait longer than this."

"Should I cancel and make you wait longer?"

"Don't tease me please."

"I'm coming, Skylar. I don't know why I didn't leave with you that day. I can pay people to do this for me. There's nothing here that I want to take into my new life with you. I want a fresh start."

"I don't know why you make things so difficult all the time. You could have left when I did."

"I know," Cherie sighed, "but better late than never."

"Send me your itinerary, I'll meet you at the airport."

"I'll take a car. I don't want you to go through the trouble."

"It's no trouble, I'll be there."


She was there, Skylar was there waiting with flowers and a smile on her face and Cherie welcomed the incoming embrace and the kiss that spoke volumes.

"Come on. Let me take you home."

Home, the sound of a home filled Cherie's heart with so much hope that it ached. "That sounds good."

Skylar's home was inviting and Cherie immediately fell at ease when she walked through the door. It was a spacious apartment with modern décor that would have to change once the baby arrived or baby-proofed. She could do that, Cherie thought, she'd have the time or better yet, she could buy a house with a yard for their child to run around and play in. She was getting ahead of herself, she was sure of it and she had no idea what her role would be in Skylar's child's life.

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