Chapter 4

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Cherie was walking down the halls to head home for the day, while her mind was headed in another direction, towards Skylar. Her friend was probably off with her popular friends doing whatever they usually did but she promised herself she wouldn't be jealous because she had her own, personal times with Skylar. Those times together were fueling the crush she had on Skylar, a crush she believed was growing to be unhealthy and definitely, one sided but she'd get over it soon, at least she hoped she would.

"Hey." Skylar snuck up behind her and threw her arm around her shoulders. It was always the best feeling, being that close to Skylar. "Wanna come over?"

"Sure, but can I meet you there? I need to go home first."

"How about I just come to your place?" She posed the question and Cherie stopped. "I've never been to your house before. Why haven't you invited me to your house before?"

"Uh, I don't know. You never asked, I guess."

"I'm asking now. Can I come to your house instead? I want to see your room."

"I've never really had any friends over before." The thought of having Skylar over, in her room, made her anxious. What would they do? She didn't have a television in her room like Skylar did but only because she rarely watched television. "I don't have a television in my room like you do."

"That's okay. We don't have to watch tv. I just want to hang out with you."

"Okay and you want to do that at my house?"

"Yeah. Are you embarrassed about where you live or something?"

"No. No, it's not that. It's fine. You can come by."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

The bus ride felt much shorter than usual now that Skylar was taking the ride with her. With her thoughts divided between having a conversation with Skylar and trying to determine if she had left anything out of place in her room, she was sure she had forgotten something. Hopefully, there wasn't anything with Skylar's name on it surrounded by heart as she was prone to doodle as she studied.

Getting off the bus, she felt compelled to forewarn Skylar about her house but from the corner of her eye, she could tell that Skylar had already picked up on it. There was a look of amazement in her expression but she hadn't said anything as they walked up to the mansion like home.

Cherie hadn't mentioned to Skylar or anyone for that matter that her parents were rich. She allowed people to assume whatever they wanted and she was grateful that her parents respected her wishes to remain anonymous, so to speak. Maybe if she had told everyone they would treat her differently, treat her better but they would also use her and it just wasn't worth it, she reminded herself.

"So, how surprised are you?" Cherie pushed the key into the lock and opened the door, motioning for Skylar to enter first.

"On a scale of one to ten?" Skylar asked. "Twenty-two." She looked around the foyer in awe and Cherie smiled nervously. "I don't understand. Why are you going to public school and catching the bus if you have money?"

"My parents have money, I don't but I do benefit from it in some ways."

"Are they punishing you for something?"

"No, this was my choice. I wanted a normal, teenage life but I didn't think it would be this hard, the school life at least. If I knew it would be this bad, I would have let them send me off to boarding school years ago."

The Reunionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें