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Dear Mr.Right

Yeah no, never drinking again. My head feels like it got sat on by two fat bitches and a lunch lady.

*Side note*

Having a boyfriend who's half-Italian is cool as hell. I get the best of both worlds tbh. Sexy ass caramel skin, but then the Italian genes to top it all off...honestly, It just makes me want to top him off all the time.

Okay, no more being horny in the diary, time to go...

Okay, no more being horny in the diary, time to go

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"Ow," I groaned as I fluttered my eyes open.

Immediately I looked around, trying to recollect my thoughts and memories from the night before.

All I know is I was still in my clothes from last night, my head was pounding, and Yamir was over at my desk, watching some YouTube video on my computer.

Upon hearing me he turned in my chair and spoke, "mornin', you okay?" He questioned, looking over at me with a look of concern.

"My head really fucking hurts." I pouted, rubbing my hands down my face.

"Yeah I figured that, there's some aspirin on the nightstand beside you," he nodded.

I then looked over to my left and spotted the pills neatly placed on a napkin with a glass of water next to it.

"Thank you" I smiled as I reached over to grab both.

"No problem, but you're gonna have to eat something too, else your stomach is gonna be upset—if it isn't already." He explained.

"I will," I stated, "I thought you were grounded, how come you got to stay the night?" I asked.

"I am—but you were about to start crying if I left so I just stayed." He chuckled.

"Oh—Oh wow," I mumbled, feeling the embarrassment set it.

"Are you in trouble?" I asked.

"I texted my dad to let him know the situation so I didn't think so—even if I am though it's okay." He waved off.

"I'm sorry—I don't want to get you in trouble." I pouted.

" it's fine—I don't care anything about that." He chuckled, "Anything for you, you know that."

As usual, a blush found my cheeks then I spoke again, "Did I do anything too embarrassing last night?"

"Nah not that bad, you were talking kinda crazy about me being a 'big boy' on the ride here though." He laughed, "and other things,"

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