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My mate, Nadia, informed me that so far all is going well with the bathing ritual of the soon to be Luna Queen.  She was thrilled to tell me how the Alpha King could hardly keep his eyes and hands off his mate.  I sighed with the thought that my friend and king is finally getting the life he secretly yearned.

"Beta Rhett, the main gate patrol guard just mind linked me that we have VVIP guests asking permission to enter the royal pack."  A castle guard informed me.

"VVIP?  Where is Gamma Vino?  He is first in screening the guests before me."  I pointed.

"Beta, he is currently dealing.....uhmmm....with the so called guests."  The guard apprehensively stated. "His hands are full.  He needs assistance."

"What the heck is going on and who the heck are these guests?"  I got fed up.

"You will never believe this.  It's the former Alpha King and his Luna Queen."  He bowed and slowly stepped backwards to leave my office.

Vino, I'm coming there right now.  Hold them for as long as you can. I told Vino via mind link.

Easy for you to say!  Luna Amanda is already irate and Alpha Magnus is close to shifting to his wolf because of anger.  Come quick now, Rhett!  I do not know what to do!  Vino responded.

I scratch my head and wiped the beads of sweat forming on my upper lip.  Of all the days, they come back now.  The last time Knox's parents visited the royal pack after moving to Australia, all hell broke lose.  The couple came to visit Lucian and Jada's grave.  When Alpha Magnus caught King Knox in bed with five naked women including Yara, the father and son had a heated argument followed by a serious wolf showdown.  Luna Amanda tried to hide her disappointment and fear but left the two to deal with their differences.  For 77 solid years they stayed away and now they are back.  For what reason?

I was scrambling to go to the main gate as my mind is trying to figure out what to do.  Will there be royal blood shed again?  Knox is already ultra protective of his mate, what more now?  His wolf will flare-up.


I am  meters away from the gate and I could already hear raised voices.

"Why is this taking so long, Vino?  I am tired and I want to see my son and his mate now.  We are your King's family.  What right have you to hold us up?"  Luna Amanda is irked.

"Look here, for the last time, royal gamma, I was king in this pack for 200 years!  No one, not even my son, has the right to keep us from coming back to the castle!  Let us in or my wolf will speak for the both of us!"  King Magnus stormed.

I butted in, "What a surprise to see you, Alpha Magnus, Luna Amanda."  That sounded insincere.

"Oh Rhett, it is nice to see you again.  Thank goddess you are here. Now, escort us to our room in the castle."  Luna Amanda calmly requested.

"Of course my Luna.  Alpha, welcome!  Guards, escort the couple back to their car and bring them directly to the castle. Assist them in whatever they need." 

Vino's eyes went big.  Really, you will let them in without a fuss?  You made me endure their displeasure!  Why did you ask me to hold them up for as long as I can?  Geez!  Are we playing good cop bad cop here?  

I looked back at Vino and smirked.  In fact, Vino, I am assigning you of breaking the news to our lovestruck Alpha King.  With that I gave him a quick salute.  Vino was trashing when I left him.



"Knox, calm down, please.  You are scaring me."  I pleaded.  Knox has uprooted like  four trees already.  He is punching and kicking and growling like a livid rogue.  Vino never left us.  He could sense all this could go very wrong in a minute.

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