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Uggghh!  What the heck is that pain?  I gathered all strength to force my eyes to open.  After few attempts, I found myself cheek to cheek with a white pillow as I am lying in prone position.  I wiggled my shoulders and tried to use my elbows to lift my upper body.  Fuck!!!  

"Hey, hey, slow down mighty wolf."  Immediately upon hearing that oh so familiar voice, the unfortunate event at the forest came to my recollection.  Lyanna, my little bunny, is here!

"Lyanna, little bunny, let me see your face."  I pleaded.

I felt a light touch at my lower back and then saw Lyanna's face as she bends down.  "You're so beautiful, my love."  I could not help but voice my initial reaction.  I missed my mate.  She smiled and I knew all will be well from here on.

"Hi.  How do you feel?  Thank Moon Goddess you are awake.  Let me call the doctor."  She stood and was about to take off when I caught her hand.  

"Stay.  Please.  My back hurts but I am not that in discomfort."  

Lyanna knelt again and nodded.

"What happened out there after the enemy was defeated," I asked.

"You were badly injured.  Metha deeply clawed your upper back then you lost consciousness.  We rushed you here in the pack hospital.  The doctor was confident you will quickly heal and true enough, it has been two days now and your wound is  75% healed already.  Another two more days and it will be as if nothing happened to your back."  Lyanna's face then turned sad.  "Knox, you have to know...."  she hesitated as her eyes glistened. 

I felt heaviness in my heart with her words.  What comes next can't be good.  I panicked. "What is it?  Is it the baby?  No!  Ly, tell me the baby is fine, tell me!"  My heart is drumming to a fast beat and I pulled myself up to sit.

"Shhhhh, the baby is fine and growing more and more each day."  She took my hand and placed it on her tummy.  I felt the baby's heartbeat and I breathe in relief.  She then held my face with her both hands, "Knox, it's your father."

"Father?  What is it?"

"He fought valiantly like a true Alpha King in the forest.  He defended you with all his might.  However, he was badly hurt."  A tear fell from her eye.  No!  It can't be.  I may have held ill feelings towards my father but I do not want to lose him this way.  It can't be!

"Lyanna, do not tell me he is dead!  Please!"  I grabbed her to embrace her.  I need her warmth.  I need her touch.

"Alpha Magnus is not dead.  But, he is in coma.  The doctor said his head hit the ground after a bad landing and his chances of waking up is slim.  Your mother and Harper, well everyone, is very saddened.  We pray for a miracle."  Lyanna sobbed and held me tighter.

"I am sorry.  It is my fault.  If I did not run away from you in that forest none of these would have  happened.  Some royal guards are dead.  Your father is in comma.  You were badly injured.  All of these, because I wanted to force you to pay attention to me.  I was foolish!  I am not fit to be a Luna Queen."  She cried.

"Listen to me,"  I cupped her chin.  "It is not your fault.  The fault can only be placed on the bloody hands of Alpha Metha.  She planned the attack.  Now, do not put your mind in heavy thought about the past.  I just want you to think of our pup and I want us to start over again.  Will you give me a second chance?"  I asked.

She leaned in and kissed me.  I needed that kiss.  It was like finding an oasis in a barren desert.  

"I love you, Knox."

"And I love you more,  Lyanna," I kissed her forehead. "My queen," I kissed her nose.  "My little bunny," I kissed her cheek.  "My one and only love,"  I kissed her lips passionately.


"Father, it's me, Knox.  I want to tell you that I am healed now from my injury.  I am thankful for what you did for me, Lyanna, and the pack back there in the forest.  I have always admired your bravery and cunningness.  I know I have been a disgraceful son, the son you never wanted, but I am trying to change my ways.  I still do not understand why you despised me since I was young.  I cried to the Moon Goddess back then for you to see me and be proud of me like how you were with Lucian.  I never meant for Lucian to die.  Believe me, I carried the guilt for so long.  I lost my entire family because of my selfishness.  I took your pride and treasure.  I am truly sorry.  I cannot bring Lucian back to life but I want you to know that I loved my brother sincerely.  What drove me to compete with him is my desire to gain your favor.  I was foolish and childish.  I  am sorry.  I want you to know these things, well, I guess I had the courage to pour my heart out like this is because you may or may not hear me.  I pray you will wake up soon.  You must welcome your grandchild with your embrace and warm smile.  Father, please wake up.  You can continue to hate me, but please do not stray from us like this.  Come back, father.  We need you.  I need you."

I squeezed his hand one more time then released it.  It has been twenty days since he fell into coma.  Lyanna and I often visit his room.  Lyanna was feeling under the weather today so I got to visit my father alone.  I do not know but somehow I felt like talking to him today.  I was never comfortable talking about my feelings towards my father or Lucian.  Saying those words out loud was cathartic, however.  

Despite the doctor's prognosis, we remain hopeful.  I remain hopeful.  I promised the Moon Goddess that if my father recovers from this that I will be more respectful and cooperative towards my father.  

All of a sudden I felt a strange pain in my abdomen.  I curled in pain.  

Knox, son!  Come quick, it's Lyanna!  My mother mind-linked me.  

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