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Rhett, Nadia, and Vino were trailing me.  I am so angry at Knox.  How could he be so cruel?  Putting his parents and a little girl in the dungeon is unforgivable.  I was about to enter the elevator of the palace when Rhett stopped me.

"My Queen, the King is not in his office." Rhett informed me.

"Where is he, then?"  

"Uhhmmm, in his playroom."  He answered.  I know that room.  I locked myself in that room when I ran away from Knox and Yara.  I was re-entering the elevator when Rhett stopped me for the second time.

"Not in the playroom that you know, your highness.  He is in different playroom."  He bowed as if embarrassed.  I do not like the sound of this.

"What other playroom?"  I raised my voice.  "Bring me there!"  I commanded.

"Re-think about this, Lyanna.  You have been through so much.  Why not let us talk to the king again on your behalf?"  Nadia suggested.

"I know my own body.  I am fine.  Emotional, but fine.  Do not stall anymore, take me to him."  I demanded.

We walked a few flight of stairs downwards from the lobby.  From the foot of the stairs we could already hear loud party music.  My temper sizzles!  If he is with other women and they are doing the nasty all hell will break lose!

I walked faster but Vino grabbed my right arm to slow me down.  His eyes were pleading as if saying calm down, calm down.

When we reached a big door at the end of the hall, the music could pop my very ear drums.  I nodded to Vino to open the door.  When he opened the door, on reflex I covered my ears.   I scanned the room and there on some plump pillows, Knox is lounging with a bottle of wine on his hand.  In front of him, three scantily dressed women where dancing and crawling by their own iron poles.  Well, at least they were five meters away from my mate, but who am I kidding, how did he intend to end this party?

Rhett quickly moved to the sound and lights system and shut them immediately.  The dancers stopped moving and Knox growled but I growled louder.  I commanded, "GET OUT!  EVERYONE!"  Six people were moving out with their heads bowed.    I took a deep breath and moved in front of Knox.

"Who do you think you are?  Leave me and my entertainers alone.  I do not want to see your face!"  Knox sneered.

"You do not want to see my face?  Fine, give me the keys to Harper and your parents' cell and we will be gone in your life as you wish!"  I challenged.

Knox quickly stood up and held my right arm.  His eyes glitter with hate.  "You will not leave this castle ever.  I will not let you!  My pup is in there."  He touched my tummy but I swat his hand with disgust.

"What has happened to you, Knox?  How could you imprison your parents and my six-year old sister in the dungeon?  They are innocent!"  I turned to look at the state of the room we were in.  "Is this were you have been, partying, while I and the baby were fighting for our lives on the hospital bed?"  I looked at him with utmost disgust.

"You did this to me, Lyanna!  You broke your promise!  You put yourself at risk.  You almost left me!"  He accused me and yet his voice was laced with despair.  "As to your sister, I did not put her in jail, she insisted to stay with my parents.  She practically begged me not to separate her from them."

"Still, how can you show cruelty to your parents in the eyes of a child who looked up to you.  My sister must be so traumatized by all this.  First her kidnapping, then your wolf attacking me, and this!  You imprisoned the couple she loves.  How could your heart take this, Knox?  YOU are going to be a father soon, is this the kind of father you wish to be, the one who terrorizes the innocent?"  My heart was really breaking.

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