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Opening the door to the spaceship, the sharp sting of the acidic air slaps me in my face as I took a hefty deep breath of the glorious morning air.

Hundreds of thousands of miles of uninterrupted ocean water spans out across from me in all directions I look. The sole human soul on the entire planetary body.

"Looks like it's going to be another eventful day where I fight for my life and try not to die, guys!" I joyfully call out as I attach a small electronic device behind my ear.

The device expands out once I tap it, and a small listening device embeds itself into my ear while a holographic visor expands out over my eyes, obscuring half my vision.

On a small corner of the visor, a small bordered box appears with chat messages from hundreds of people flying by.

"Good morning everyone," I delightedly hum to my viewers, "...I know, I know, it's very late back home for a lot of you. But in my defence, it's always midnight somewhere back on earth."

I continued to hastily read a lot of the chat messages as they raced by, trying my best to catch all of them.

[What will we be doing today?]

[How did you sleep?]

[Have you heard the latest gossip about so and so celebrity?]

I huffed to myself as I enjoyed the fact that my fans were eager to tell me what was going on, or were just making sure I was okay and in good health.

I love my audience deeply.

"As much as I'd love to mindlessly chat with you guys all day like we usually do. We, mostly me, have some unpleasant business to take care of."

I pack up my massive dense mass of kinky coily brown hair and begin hogtying it into a semi-manageable ponytail.

"It's moving day." I inform them.

[Oh shit.]

[God dammit!]

[I haaaaaate moving day!!]

"Who hates it more, you or me!?" I incredulously reply to the chat. "I'm the one with a 60/40 chance of survival!"

[Well good luck to you, I could never.]

[What fresh hell are we facing today, captain?]

"I believe we'll be dealing with a tsunami today." I smartly shut the front door and walk back into my small cabin to the control centre. "Although I could be wrong and it could be a sinkhole. I haaate sinkholes! I always barely survive those because they're so bloody hard to predict!!"

I reach up to take off my visor, but a shiny chat comment popped into view.

[💛Judging by previous patterns on the surface that you've analyzed, I'd say it's a safe bet to assume a tsunami is what to expect.💛]

I take off my ear device and boot up my massive computer screen where I'm more easily able to read what my chat was saying, as they have a permanent dedicated spot on an entire corner of my screen, and the remaining space I use to do literally everything else.

"To the person saying a tsunami is our best bet, I think you're right. But I didn't see any signs of disturbance in the water."

I look back at my computer monitor, scrutinising the data that my outer ship sensors were feeding back to me.

A deck was also fitted with a camera that streamed back to earth my every move. I was a full fledge space live streamer with better internet connectivity 3 planets away from home than back on earth. The irony.

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