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"Okay, so I'm supposed to press *jump* every time I see an enemy?" Leo asks, holding the controller with a death grip in front of me.

"Yes," I answered, cuddling back into his arms.

Technically, Dion was the first to get to me, but was too shy to actually cuddle so Leo claimed me in his arms in victory.

But I did have one hand stretched out holding unto his as he lay on his stomach watching the TV.

A red mushroom slowly makes its way to Leo's Mario character and he jumps over it to avoid it.

"WHAT!? NOOOOOO!!! GET THE MUSHROOM!!!" I screamed at him.

The mushroom had bounced off an enemy gumba and made its way back towards Leo. He jumps over it again.



And Leo charges full speed ahead after the mushroom, but it had fallen into the hole and Leo immediately fell in after it.

I proceeded to die laughing.

"Y-you stupid biiitch- hahahahahahaha!!!"

I fell back into his arms as he grumbled and passes the controller to Dion for his turn.

I let go of his hand so he can grip the controller with both of his, and Leo uses the opportunity to grip me tighter with a hug from behind. Resting his head on the side of my neck as he continues to grumble.

It was a miracle my heart didn't melt straight down through and out of my vagina.

"You'll get 'em next time champ" I console him, playfully rubbing his gummy-like textured hair.

From the looks of their hair, you'd expect the texture of finely woven silk, but it felt anything but.

They were such fascinating creatures that I just couldn't seem to learn enough of!!

"But why is HE so good at it!?" Leo grumbles, pointing a finger and an angry glare at Dion.

I turn just in time to see Dion finish the first level before we even finished speaking, with chat going wild that he'd almost beat the 5th place world record.

I shrugged casually through Leo's hug.

"Meh. God has favourites." I cheekily retort.

Dion cackled softly and hands me the controls to finish playing the rest of World One.

Giving up all hope on going back to sleep, we just decided to treat this as a full-fledged sleepover and just NOT sleep the whole "night".

Dion informed me that they've trained their sleep patterns to match mine but typically their people rest in intermittent naps spread out across a "day" so they are always alert, at the ready, and on guard whenever needed.

But they much preferred humans' way of doing things where we're out cold for hours on end with no interruption, and they decided to copy that.

Smart lads.

We dug out one of my game consoles, that I too often forget I'd brought with me, and I decided to introduce the boys to video games.

Big mistakes.

They loved it and couldn't get enough.

Apparently through their research of human culture....they never came across video games!?

"I still need to understand what kind of whack research y'all did that SKIPPED over video games in your research on humanity." I slyly say as I bounced on Bowser's head and cleared the castle.

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