27 | He Made me Coffee - Part 1

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It's weird. It was the first time we didn't have sex. Normally, when we were together, it's always the same sex, fucking, and now love making. But I was treasuring not having sex and just being held in my sleep. For once, it's not before or after, or coming soon. It's just Noah and Tari, it's enough. More than enough. And when Noah woke up again with me in his arms, it was magic. Wasn't ready for him to leave but knew it was time for him to go. So, I saw him out with a kiss. Then I watched him drive away, still in awe of it all. Time together, no sex, and absolutely loving it.

The thing that surprised me, though, was when he came back to my house. He had his sister's car for me to borrow and coffee beans with him. Noah made me coffee in that flannel shirt and jeans. Those jeans looked like a god poured his meaty thighs into them. I'd never had coffee in my place, ever. I was drinking water before because coffee for me had become synonymous with Noah. It's still hard to believe how far we have come. How much everything has changed. And I'm thankful, I know to be.

Noah came bearing gifts with him. A small bag of freshly ground coffee joined the items on my tiny kitchen countertop. With the new coffee machine turned on, I was ready for the show. It wasn't what he used to make the coffee on the boat. This one was a fancy already open. He had to have practiced on it before bringing it to me. That was cute. He's on a roll cute day roll this man of mine. I loved saying that, and the smile never left my expression as I watched him.

The next thing Noah pulls out is a brand new thermos. He washes it in my sink, placing it next to the rest of the items. The last item was a hand grinder for coffee beans. He had all the coffee extras, but I'd be happy with whatever he made. Then he makes everything, and it's so mesmerizing to watch him. I was quite watching him meticulously put my coffee together. And when he handed me my coffee and sipped it slowly. So fucking tasty. Then he pours more into a small thermos cup that he's pouring carefully. Then he cleans the sink area.

"My dad was a military repair guy. After his active tours in a few conflicts. Then he became a carpenter who repaired ships. I told you about that on the boat." He says, cleaning my kitchen. I don't think he could help himself. His eye contact is fleeting, but I enjoyed talking to him about different topics. Then he starts washing the dishes.

I lick the taste of coffee off my lips as I watch him wash his cup that was once filled with apple juice. I'm not sure why a giggle left my lips so quick. But I figured it out quickly and thought about the apple-flavored lube from the boat. I barely stop myself from falling into a second giggle fit.

Noah lifts his head from the dishes. Stops, with his lifted head tilting it so all his long sandy locks fall to the side. His ocean eyes confused in that guy I'm trying to figure her out the way. Which only causes more giggles to escape my lips even faster. Then he smiles at me and washes the plate. I had really gross unwashed dishes. It happened. I didn't think anyone was coming, and I was rushing. Of course, that caused Noah to take all the dishes out of the dishwasher and wash them all again. Reorganizing the order while he put them into it was neat. Washing and organizing a dishwasher must be one of those shadow porn. I was getting all worked up, and we really had nowhere to go with it.

If I stayed at my current coffee pace, I'd burn through this coffee. Then I'd only be left with a little in the thermos. I did not give a fuck though the Noah's coffee was a drug. The most delightful decadent kinds. I wonder if he could make specialty drinks? He was done putting away the dishes and simply watching me drink coffee. It was the same eyes he did when he watched me cum. As if he was cataloging everything and couldn't wait for me to do it again. One of the few times his eyes made consistent eye contact with me. He always drank me in as thirsty as I drank him in.

"Your place is beautiful, Tari," he says.

"Thanks, it's small but mine," I said fiercely. But at my words, he may have heard it. Because he took a second survey of the room like it was wonderland.

Fixing Noah / Finding Noah - #ForNoah | +18 | BWWMजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें