29 | Pa Pa Paparazzi

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On the ride back from the police station Noah didn't look at me. His sandy blonde hair covers his ocean eyes. He was so withdrawn in the back of the town car. The plush seats at odds with his dirty flannel shirt. His hair was messy and his shoulders sagged in the back.

It took more than 48 hours for Noah to be released by the police. And the amount of paparazzi grew by the hour as Sara at the house gave me an update every couple of hours. It started as more than our normal amount of cameras. But it was something completely different. It morphed into a feeding frenzy in front of the gate to the drive. Legally, they couldn't even be cleared away. As long as they stand on the public roadway they can be there all day long. Not a thing could be done and doing something would only give them more of the show they wanted. In the fancy Heron Electric Town car it was pure luxury but it was lost on me. I wasn't looking forward to making it to Noah and Zoey's house.

Next to me Noah's lawyer was quickly in a war room on her phone. I'd never met Colleen Holmes before but she was professional once she flew in from New York. She also got him out faster than I thought anyone could get out from police custody. Colleen Holmes was a scary woman.

The full list of charges resisting arrest and attacking an officer. Noah did neither. They also where biting at the edges of booking him for sexual assault, and that got me worried. I wasn't in doubt for a second that Noah actually did it. The man doesn't like to be touched. He doesn't often make physical contact with other people he doesn't know. When the officer told me what they were talking to him about it, I was shocked. As if he was implying to me that he knew something and I should tell him more. But It simply isn't even an option on the list of options if you knew Noah for two seconds. Even handshakes were extremely difficult. He didn't take people brushing against him casually, so no large crowds if he could help it. I thought the police officers were nuts and came to the wrong house.

Unfortunately, while at the station I was questioned along with Noah. I let the detectives talk at me. It was the safest thing to do because I didn't trust none of them. They made no attempt to read Noah his rights. Which isn't part of the law anymore but it should be. There was a lack of professionalism from the whole bunch of officers to Noah. It was the way in which they were stepping over each other to cover their asses. Instead of de-escalating the situation. Plus, they could have done 80 seconds of google searching about Noah to know he's Autistic. Whether Noah likes it or not Sabali, and Zoey wrote a top 50 song about him. The man is a public figure through his relationship with his family. Also, because he's at least in the art world a well-known modern artist.

A search that would have taken them seconds to find out he's autistic. They didn't bother to do the work and bring an office who is accustomed to disabilities. They'd have known not to make contact unless it was required. The sudden movement might have spooked them. But what do you think would happen when you touch people? They can be rape victims, victims of assault, PSTD or whatever. When you make contact like that in that unprofessional way because they didn't have a plan. I saw that look in their eyes that 'Oh shit,' when I asked them why he was being arrested. They didn't know shit. One guy made the wrong move and they all just jumped. Not a single thought of deescalating. And all I could think of in the memory was thank god he wasn't shot. That fear roiled in my belly like a lead weight in the station. Hell, I fear next time. And I already had that fear for when my son got older and now I can add Noah to that.

I stayed angry in that room while they were questioning. And I kept my ears open and my mouth shut. The name that stuck out the most was Trisa, scum bitch herself. Snoopy ass Drama Kiss and I was so pissed off. That whole thing was weird with her hanging around Noah. Showing up at his place, showing up at the museum. What the fuck is going the fuck on? Trust was so hard to hang on to.

Fixing Noah / Finding Noah - #ForNoah | +18 | BWWMOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant