Chapter 16

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Mila's POV

I'm practically speeding towards the airport just so we'd make the flight to Finland. I knew Avery was planning to go there and I haven't got a job there but I'll use it as some time to just take it easy and explore. Take it easy for once.

I glance over at Avery who was out cold on the passenger seat and roll my eyes whilst shaking my head. I'll never let her live this down.

As soon as the men that were sent after us barged in Avery got knocked out by the door being slammed into her face. I after I dealt with them I made sure she was alright so I could take her to the car and she came back to her senses for a little bit.

I didn't have to drag her and we didn't really look that suspicious apart from the bag of ice she managed to find to place onto her forehead to stop the bump getting any bigger.

Once we got in the car I rolled up a sleeve of the t-shirt I managed to throw on before we got interrupted. My shoulder had a massive bruise going from the top to the middle of my arm and it was bright purple. Thankfully I knew I didn't break anything.

Me looking at it got the blondes attention so she leaned in to look closer thinking I had just leaned against something and made my arm dirty which made her reach out and try to rub it off.

Once I hissed in pain she realised that it was in fact a bruise which made her eyes roll back and her body to slump in her seat.

"Ha ha very funny. You can deal with a bit of blood on my face but not a bruise? Stop playing I might need directions" I said poking her cheek a couple of times. Once I realised she had shut down like an old windows computer again I just snorted and drove off once I got the gps to work.

She came back to her senses as I was pulling up at the parking lot. I let the rental place know I'd be leaving the car there and got out of the car first so I could open the door for the blonde.

"Don't even say anything." She mumbled and walked away from me straight into the airport just as I was about to make a joke.

"Oh man. I thought it was a good one as well." I say to myself and follow the girl. I catch up pretty quickly because my legs were in fact a little longer.

We go through customs without any issues but the person checking my fake passport does give me an unnecessary long look before letting me through. It was either my busted lip or the small cut on my cheekbone.

Once we're sitting down Avery turns to me and grabs my face gently to inspect my cheekbone.

"What happened there?" She asks with a frown and runs her finger across the tiny cut gently. Once again I didn't feel the pain when she touched me even though I know damn well I should have.

"Well if you wouldn't have been knocked out cold by the door being kicked open you would have seen all the action and how cool I looked beating up two men." I tease and smirk at her.

"Ugh forget I asked." She turns away and crosses her arms.

"Okay if it makes you feel any better one of them threw the hotel phone at me. Hit me straight in the face." I add with a sigh and tilt my head so I'd be able to see her better.

I nudge her playfully when I notice her trying not to smile but failing miserably. She giggles at the thought and turns to me again

"That actually does make me feel better. It's hilarious." She responds with a nod.

"I made sure to put it in his mouth afterwards and stomp his head with that still in there." I add with a shrug which makes her pull a face and then smile.

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