Chapter 4

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Mila's POV

Good god I've done it again. I fucked up big time. Well, to be fair most of my mistakes were work related but such occasion was rare unless I miscalculated something. Which was also rare.

No... This time, and I hate to admit this to myself, I felt like I may have gotten myself into a sticky situation. Infatuation if you may.

This complete stranger caught my eye when we first locked eyes in London and now I can't get her out of my head. I can't really call her a stranger at this point. I sat in my hotel room, one floor below hers, and done my research. I don't like the word stalking as I haven't really followed her. Yet.

At this point I knew all I needed to know about her for now. Avery Morgan, 21-year-old who is soon to turn 22. What a lovely age. She recently finished college and got her psychology degree which means if she's got a good head on her shoulders she can use this knowledge to her advantage when dealing with people.

Finding her social media was even easier. Went through some different styles until she found herself living life of wearing mostly back. Always pulls weird faces or looks moody in every picture. Has a black and white sleeve on her right arm, nose piercing, only a couple of close friends, lives on her own yet still sees her family quite often. Always wanted to travel and explore different cultures, observe and learn more about people so she could use it in practice. Or her own advantage. It also states that her next destination is Berlin, Germany. Flight is tomorrow morning.

I pull out my phone and check my schedule. How convenient I have a little job there tomorrow myself. It would look too suspicious if I saw her on the same flight though.

I sit there and tap my chin for a solid two minutes until I check the time and look up flights for tonight.

"Six hours is more than enough to get this shit over and done with." I mumble to myself and stand up from my seat. I wipe my computer as I always do after every other use or when I look someone up.

I put on some skinny jeans, black combat boots and a white button up shirt. I check myself in the mirror and smirk "I make things way too easy for myself." I whisper to myself before leaving the room. Once outside I get on my rented motorcycle and pop the helmet on. As easy as my good looks make it for me to catch my prey I wouldn't want to challenge myself too much just yet. Or to lose those looks.

I make my way to where my victim works and sneak into the back area where his office should be. I stop by the dimly lit office door and move the little glass bit of my helmet up. I look down at the picture I was given and notice a wedding band on his hand. He must have a family. I hate it when people get into some shady shit and I have to set an example for others not to repeat their mistakes. Though if I felt bad about it I would have left. Sometimes I wonder if I can feel at all, which could easily make me a sociopath.

I shake the thoughts away and step into the dark corner of the corridor and wait.

"Don't forget to bring that fine piece of ass back in a couple of hours when I'm on my lunch break yeah? Here, get yourself something cute for daddy." I hear a male voice and then a smack before a pair of heels approaches the door.

"Don't get too lonely in here Dave, and you know what I mean when I say that." The female voice replies and leaves the room. Once the door is closed she mumbles in Hungarian 'dirty piece of shit' and walks towards the exit.

Once I feel like it's safe enough I casually walk into the office and close the door.

"Well well well... Did you forget something ba-..." the guy freezes in his spot while dangling some lacy underwear on his fat index finger. He puts the underwear into his drawer and gulps.

Worlds CollideNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ