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The end of the day rolls around at a snail's pace.

By the time I get to the parking lot, my eyes feel heavy. I need my bed, or some weed maybe. Well, not the last part.

I turn the radio on and pull out of the parking lot, wondering what Mom will be doing when I get home. Hopefully, dinner. I'm hungry. But, more than likely she's going to be on the patio smoking a cigarette and dinner will be my problem.

Some shitty Toby Keith song starts playing on the radio, but before I can turn it off the car jerks forward and squeals.

I lurch against the seatbelt, "Shit."

Pulling to the shoulder, I silently pray this piece of shit car hasn't finally died on me.

A pop, hiss, and then the engine putters off. I turn the key, nothing.

I get out and pop open the hood, only to be met with a billow of steam from the radiator.

"Jesus, fuck!" I cough out, stepping away.

Cars whiz by me, but nobody seems interested in stopping. If Corey were here he'd know what to do. I should call someone, mom? No, she'd just yell at me. Tyra? Also no, she doesn't know shit about cars.

"Need a hand?"

I turn around, locking eyes with the last person I wanted to see right now.

"No, I don't Tim." I say, turning away.

He pulls his truck to the shoulder in front of me, clearly ignoring what I just said.

"I don't want help, dude." I say again, but he walks right past me to look at my engine.

"Shit's busted." Tim says, leaning his arm on the hood. He looks at me, stormy gray eyes unreadable. I look away, forcing myself not to blush.

"I can drive you to the mechanic, or something. If you wanted."

"You don't need to, I can just call my mom." I mumble, still not meeting his eyes.

Tim clears his throat, "Ya sure? I don't mind, really."

I gaze towards the road, considering my options. My skin is tingling - just the thought of getting into Tim's truck is making my stomach churn. But, at the same time, I don't want to get bitched at by mom. I can deal with her when I get home.

I look back at Tim, "Let's go."

He smirks, "Alright."

We get in his truck and drive in silence for what seems like an eternity. I have no idea where the nearest mechanic is, but Tim seems to know where he's going.

"You're not as weird as I thought you'd be." Tim says out of the blue.

I glance at him out of the corner of my eye, "What's that supposed to mean."

"People say mean shit about you at this school, Cardin."

"They say mean shit about you too."

"Then I guess we're even." Tim says, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.


He pulls into a mechanic shop, and I feel myself relax. Sure, being alone in a car with Tim Riggins wasn't as bad as I expected, but I'm glad this ordeal is over with.

"Thanks," I say as I push the door open.

"Do you need a ride home?" Tim asks, leaning over the center console.

"No, thanks again tho." I shut the door behind me and dart into the shop.

Honestly, I kind of do need a ride home and I don't want to deal with the wrath of my mother, but I don't want to spend anymore time in Tim's truck. Whatever's happening between us needs to stop before it starts.

I deal with getting a tow truck and pay for it - begrudgingly. Mom will deal with the repair cost - hopefully. Honestly? Probably not. But, she'll be less pissed at me knowing I dealt with the tow truck without running to her first.

As I exit the shop, my heart sinks.

Tim is still sitting in his truck, waiting for me.

"I told you, I don't need a ride." I say, walking up to the passenger door.

"I told you, I don't mind givin you one." He answers, like it's simple. Like there are no implications to this. Like there's no risk. 

"I can call my mom" I cross my arms over my chest.

Tim raises an eyebrow, "You keep sayin that, Cardin."

"Fine, thanks. I owe you." I huff, hopping into the truck.

"Famous last words." Tim pulls out of the parking lot.

I look out the window, heat rushing up my face. Why am I blushing? We're not doing anything. He's not saying anything. He's just giving me a ride, it's not weird.

"Why are you being nice to me." I ask, because it's on my mind the entire time we've been together. He could've just driven right on by, but he decided to stop. Why? It's killing me not to know.

I hear Tim laugh slightly, "Because I'm a really, really kind and generous person, Cardin."

I roll my eyes, "Sure. But really, why? I'm the school freak, why would you be nice to me."

Tim sighs, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. He doesn't look at me, keeping his eyes trained on the road.

"Cause' I like you, Kasey. I don't know why, but I do."

The air is sucked out of my lungs, and for a moment I can't speak. My throat begins to close. I cough, trying to find my voice.

"Turn here." I say, almost whispering.

I feel like I'm heading towards a cliff. No, sprinting towards a cliff. Full speed ahead. I can't stop, I won't stop. My stomach is burning. Fuck, I can't like Tim. Sure, he's being nice now, but I don't know his end game. There's got to be a play here, a secret agenda for him.

None of this will end well.

I can feel it.


Well hi y'all - it's been a minute. Anyways, I feel some sort of responsibility to this story even though I keep abandoning it. Once in a while I get a new idea for a chapter and have to write it down.

Honestly, at this point in my life I'm not really interested in fan fiction. But, I'm gonna take this story as far as it will go. I have no plan for this story - the storyline just develops as I publish new chapters. This probably isn't a great way to write but, whatever.

This is a FNL fanfic on Wattpad, alright? It's not gonna be a New York Times bestseller lol.

Happy summer!


Kate Summer

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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