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"Okay, there's 4 ounces in the fridge now, there's more in the cooler but you know not to overfeed her."I say, placing Tiana in the arms of her babysitter.

"Of course."she chuckles, smiling at Tia.

"Oh, and Zac wants noodles for dinner, give him the whole wheat ones."I say.

"I got it. Go to work."Mia chuckles, making me chuckle as well.

"Alright, I'll be back in the morning."I lean down and kiss my daughters head before turning around and seeing my son holding my lunch box.

"Look at you little man."I chuckle.

"Do I look like daddy?"he asks, lifting the lunch box to give to me.

"Of course you do my precious."I chuckle, leaning down and kissing his head as I take the lunch.

"Thank you."I smile.

"I'll see you in the morning mommy."he says, waving goodbye as I leave the house.



I wake up, hearing a knocking at my door. I sit up of the couch and huff as I check my watch, seeing that it was 9:30 pm.

I pull my hoodie away from my body and fan myself as I begin to push myself up off the couch.

I pick up my pistol off the floor as I stand, putting it in the back of my pants and walking over to the door.

I unlock the door, pulling it open slowly.

I see a blonde woman with a baby on her hip.

"Hey. Do you know the lady that lives next door?"she asks as I rub my eyes.

"Um..kind of?"I shrug.

"Well, she works at the hospital overnight and I'm her babysitter, my mom just got into a car accident on the highway and I really need to be with her. Sky isn't answering her phone and my mom needs a matching blood donor."she says.

"What are you expecting me to do?"I ask.

She attempts to hand the small baby to me and I step away.

"Hey, I don't really know her like that I can't just have someone's kids in my place."I say.

"Well she doesn't have anyone else to take the kids to, here just take the house key so I can be with my mom!"she says, holding her shaking hand out towards me.

I look at her frantic expression and huff.

"Man, fuck."I say quietly, taking the key.

"Thank you!"she says, handing the baby girl in her arms over to me carefully.

"Oh my god. Fuck."I say, looking at the baby as I cradle her.

The babysitter takes off, and I look down seeing a little boy with a diaper bag hanging from his shoulder.

We stare at each other for a good 20 seconds before he speaks.

"Can I go back to my bed?"he asks.

"Um. Yeah."I say, stepping out of my house carefully.

"Are you my new babysitter?"he asks, walking over and pulling my door closed.

"Man, I don't even know kid."I say as we begin walking back towards his house.

"Well, I'm Zac. That's my baby sister Tiana."he says.

"Nice to meet you Zac. I'm Damien. Everybody calls me killer."I huff.

"Why?"he asks.

"It's a long story."


"Alright."I say, standing outside of Zac's room.

"Aren't you going to tuck me in?"he asks, looking up at me.

"What? No your like 10 aren't you?"I ask, shifting the drooling baby around in my arms.

"I'm 6. And you have to support her head."he says, folding his arms.

"Shit."I huff, switching her around in my arms again.

"You don't have much experience for a babysitter."Zac says, making me look at him.

"You're wearing cocomelon pajamas you little shit."I say.

"Shit is a bad word."Zac says.

"Go to bed!"I demand.

Suddenly the baby in my arms starts whining.

"Tiana doesn't like loud noises."He says.

"Shit. I'm sorry, shhhh."I say, rocking side to side a bit.

"You have to feed her."Zac says.

"How the hell do I do that?"I ask, making him huff.


I watch as he pushes a small step stool over to the counter.

He then goes over to the fridge, grunting as he pulls it open.

He stands on his toes, pulling a strange looking bag of milk out of the fridge and then closing it.

He walks back over to his step stool and climbs up it, grabbing a bottle and it's lid.

"You're pretty good at this stuff, huh."I say, walking over to him as I rock the baby.

"I promised my daddy I would help mommy with my sister."he says before looking at me.

"Promises are important."he says.

"I'll have to remember that advice."I say, watching as he pours the milk into the bottle, and then places the bottle into some sort of warming device.

"You press this button and only this one, any other button will make the milky too hot."he says, pressing the button.

"You're smart."I say, rocking the baby as she begins to fuss again.

"You gotta use the bink. It's on her shirt."he says.

I look down, seeing the pacifier on her shirt and carefully picking it up, holding it against her lips gently.

Her tiny hand wraps around my pinky finger as she takes the pacifier and for a moment I feel kind of warm inside.

I hear the machine beep and look up. I see Zac taking the bottle from the machine and mixing it around a bit before uncapping the nipple and testing the temperature on his wrist.

"Okay. Here you go, now you have to sit down."he says, handing me the bottle.

He then begins pushing me towards a white door that was decorated with frogs and lilypads.

We enter and I see a beautiful princess themed nursery.

"Mommy always sits in the chair and feeds her so she doesn't get bad gas."he says.

I groan as I take a seat in the comfy rocking chair.

"This is insane."I huff, gently pulling the pacifier out of the babies mouth and sitting her up a bit higher.

"And when your done come tuck me in!"Zac smiles before turning and walking up the stairs.

I look down at the fussing baby in my arms and groan quietly before pressing the bottle to her lips.

She latches, and begins to eat with no issues.

I sigh in relief as I begin rocking in the chair.

"There we go. Awe, you're not so bad when you're quite."I say softly.


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