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I sit up, hearing the door open again and watching as Killer enters the house again with a 6 pack.

"Want one?"he questions as he sits on the couch.

"No thank you hun."I chuckle as he twists the bottle cap off with his palm.

He looks down at Tiana who was asleep in my arms.

"Where's Zac?"he questions.

"He was a little tired, I sent him to watch TV in his room."I smile as i look down at Tiana as well.

"She really is the cutest kid."he says.

I smile, looking up at him.

"Do you have any kids, Killer?"I ask, causing him to shrug.

"I was a wild kid in my highschool days. After highschool I got snipped, so it's not likely."he says quietly.

"My husband wanted kids as soon as possible. He was such a good father to Zac."I say softly, looking down at the baby.

"He never got to meet her, huh?"Killer says.

I shake my head.

"He would've loved her though."

It's comfortably silent for a bit. Killer raises his arm, putting it around me and pulling me in for a comforting side hug.

"Tell you what. What are you doing tomorrow?"he asks.

"Nothing actually. I have a day off, wanted to spend some time with the kids."I say, looking up at him.

"Awesome. We're having a barbecue."

"A what?"


The next morning...

I watch in awe as Killer scoots around on the mobile cart in the supermarket. He was dressed in a black hoodie and sunglasses, Zac sitting in his lap dressed exactly the same.

"Killer, why are you dressed like that? And why is Zac dressed like you?"I question causing him to glance up at me through his sunglasses.

"Ah, I'm a sexy man Sky. Don't wanna have to beat the ladies off with a stick, ain't that right Zac?"he says as he scoots over to the meat department of the store.

"Hell yeah."Zac says, pushing his sunglasses up to his eyes.

"Zac!"I say, putting my hands on my hips.

"I'm sorry mommy."Zac says, causing Killer to laugh quietly.

"What we thinkin'? Ribs? Chops? Chicken?"Killer asks, looking up at me.

"I'm not sure I can really afford all that, Hun."I say.

"Don't worry, it's on me."he says, pulling a few racks of ribs off the shelf and tossing them into the basket attached to his cart.

"I can't ask you to do that killer!"I say.

"Keep your voice down. And it was my idea to have a barbecue anyway."he says, grabbing some chicken drumsticks as well.

"It's okay mommy, we're gonna get chicken too see?! I'm gonna invite all my friends!"Zac says.

"You do that kid. Hot dogs, hamburgers?"he says, looking at me.

"Sure Hun."I chuckle.

"Awesome."he says as Tiana begins to smile and make baby noises towards him.

"She's probably stinky."he says, scooting along the meat section.

"I think she just wants you."I chuckle.

"I'm not putting on whatever that contraption is."he says to my baby carrier that held Tiana to my chest.

The baby begins making high pitch noises and smiling a gummy smile.

"Shh."I say, slightly bouncing her.

Killer instantly looks around and then pulls his glasses down his nose, looking at Tiana.

"You are not winning this time squirt."he says.

She then releases a loud shriek, kicking her legs and causing me to chuckle.

"Be quiet you cabbage patch baby."Killer says before zooming away on the electric cart.

"Do not call my daughter a cabbage patch baby!"I say, following after him.


I watch as Killer skillfully seasons the meat and preps it for the grill.

"You know, I figured you wouldn't like us as neighbors before hand, now you're in my kitchen seasoning ribs for a barbecue."I say.

He chuckles.

"Maybe don't judge a book by its cover next time."he shrugs.

"Can you blame me though?"I question.

He pauses his seasoning and looks up at me as if he was metaphorically putting his hands on his hips.

"So I can't be a huge biker guy with a loud scary car and motorcycle covered in tattoos and a scary demeanor?"he asks.

"Really?"I laugh.

"..good point."he shrugs.

I smile as Zac runs around the center island with a water gun.

"Mommy my friends are here! Can I go outside?? Please??"he asks with big eyes.

"Okay Hun, let's go."


I smile, smelling the meat cooking on the grill as I watch Zac run around with his friends shooting water guns.

I look back, seeing Killer at the grill still in his hoodie and sunglasses.

"Aren't you hot?"I question, patting Tiana's back.

"Hot? No, sexy is the word."he says, making me chuckle as I hear the familiar rumble of an engine approaching from down the road.

"Oh no."I huff, instantly covering Tiana's ears.

"The boys are here!"Killer says, raising his beer.


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