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♪ I whispered underneath my breath
But you heard it
Darling, you look perfect tonight ♪

Maya Martinez POV

Carlos ended up in 4th place in the race, it wasn't a podium or a win but it is still pretty good if you ask me. Ferrari took the pic in the morning, Mateo was wearing Ferrari merch from top to bottom. Even with his little personalized headset. Everyone seems to adore it and once the photo was posted on Instagram it started making headlines, especially since it was in Spain.

Everyone was gushing over him, we are now at a restaurant that we reserved only for us, a few of the drivers are here, and some people from the team agreed to come and it's refreshing. It's lighthearted and everyone is having the time of their lives. Carlos was almost glued to me.

His parents left early and decided they wanted to take Mateo with them so we could stay, they had everything they needed in his bag so I wasn't worried. When in public I always make sure to pump the milk at home and feed him through the bottle so it was nothing new.

"Carlos" I say as he watched some parts of the race on the tv, he quickly turns to look at me with a smile.

"Do you need something?" He asks concerned and I shake my head.

"Are you going to Monaco tomorrow? The race there is on the next weekend" I ask trying to figure out how much time together we had left.

"I'm leaving on Wednesday, first thing in the morning. It's the latest I can risk going" He says putting his arm around me. "Why do you ask my love?"

"Do you want to finish the night? It's 2 AM, we have the night without Mateo and we can get some stuff done, without interruptions this time" I say feeling embarrassed by my own choice of words. Jesus Christ, I am not a flirt, forget it.

"You don't need to say that twice, I would follow you to the bedroom even if it was just to cuddle you" He says kissing my neck.

"I know" I feel the heat on my face and I hear him laugh as he turned around.

"I'm going, my wife needs to rest. I will see you on Wednesday" He says and greets Lando, Charles, and Caco before heading out while holding my hand.

"Your wife? When did that happen?" I ask teasingly while we waited for the elevator.

"Since the moment I set my eyes on you. This is forever, you can't get rid of me. Eres mi mujer, mi esposa, solo mia cariño"  He says sending shivers down my spine. Being called his woman and his wife is something that I wasn't expecting.

"Just yours? That sounds good" I say standing between the cold elevator wall and his chest. He leans his head to kiss me and his phone starts buzzing.

"¿Qué pasa mamá?" He asks worriedly as his mom was on the other side.

"Mateo is crying nonstop, it is not usual of him. We tried everything, maybe you or Maya could come here and see if anything is wrong" She says clearly distressed and I nod, clicking on their floor that was above ours.

"We are going" He answers before she hangs up but I heard Mateo screaming in the background.

"This can't be happening" I mutter while I contemplated what could be happening. Maybe it was a belly ache, all babies can get one. It happens.

"He will be fine, he is a baby, it was bound to happen someday. He is probably just fussy or is feeling some belly ache or something" He says comforting and I sprint out of the elevator as soon as it opens.

"I'm sorry, we just got really worried" His dad says and I shake my head.

"No, it's completely fine. We will take him to our room and see if it's just a belly ache" Carlos says while I picked him up from his mom's arms and he get's the bag and the stroller.

"Thank you for these hours. Once we are in Madrid I will schedule another dinner for you to see him when he is less moody" I say before we head out.

It took an hour for him to calm down but once he threw up he finally did. It was his stomach, maybe he ate too much, or maybe he didn't burp as he should have. I don't know. I just know he was fine once he was able to vomit. I put him in his crib and went to take a quick shower, joining Carlos on the bed. He went to shower on the moment he got the vomit on himself, it was his half-hour so I can say I am the lucky one today.

"Are you okay?" He asks kissing my forehead and I smile.

"I am no longer worried so I'm fine" I say laying my head on his chest and caressing his abdomen with my hand.

"Get some rest cariño. I love you either way" He says kissing my hair and I smile looking at him.

"You need to rest. I love you" I say kissing him and he hugs me.

Tonight I was the little spoon. I had his arm around my waist and felt his breaths against the back of my neck. It's relaxing and it only makes me want him more. I started to slowly fall asleep. I woke up with Mateo 3 times so he could eat and I changed his diaper two of the times. He quickly fell asleep after each time which showed that he was okay now. Carlos was so tired that I just ran my hand through his hair and he quickly went to sleep, he was exhausted and I didn't need his help.

The following day I woke up to Carlos quietly singing to Mateo in his chest, one arm holding by his legs and the other on Mateo's back. It was the sweetest thing I've seen, I watched until the song ended and Carlos looked at me and smiled.

"Good morning mi amor" He says as I sat down and I kiss him.

"Good morning to my big man and my little man" I say happily and see his smile grow, followed by Mateo's cute giggle.

I looked at him and he had the biggest smile he could make. I am in love. This is all I never knew I wanted and I can't imagine my life otherwise.

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