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♫ Take it
If she gives you her heart
Don't you break it ♫

Maya Martinez POV

Having Carlos home for summer break was good. I could have more time for myself because he helps a lot. He took Mateo out while I spent time with the girls. Today is one of those days. We are at the pool enjoying the day and we are having fun. It's awesome, to be honest.

"You and Carlos seem to be fine. I don't know how you could believe he would doubt you, that man is crazy about you and he loves Mateo" Camila says while sipping on her cocktaiç and I laugh.

"From the moment I got that letter in my hand I believed it, I was completely blind and maniac. I just couldn't believe he wasn't the father, there was no other choice. My brain completely froze" I say shrugging.

"You did what was right. But I am glad you got such a great man as the father of your son and as a partner. I want to see you two get married, you look so good together. You are such a good couple, I love it" Mariana says happily and I laugh.

"I never thought I could have a big fancy wedding and live such a good life. I never even thought men like him still existed. I am very pleased with what we have, Mateo has a good and big family. He has everything he might need. I have a good partner, he treats me like royalty and that is more than many would do" I say pleased with everything.

"You two are the cutest. Every time you are in the same room I can only see good feelings in both of your faces. You were meant to be, that was destined to happen, all of it. And I am very glad we did. We loved living with you and having you every day with us but your life is everything it should be. Everyone is getting their life on track" Mariana says excitedly.

"I am excited to be the maid of honor. I can't even imagine what celebrities will be there, that will be the wedding of the century" Camila says getting up to get another cocktail, it's almost dinner time and I get up to.

Each one takes a quick shower and as I was approaching the kitchen I see a shirtless Carlos with a Mateo in his right arm with only his diaper on. It is a hot day and this scene melts my heart. He is just so focused on whatever he is doing that he doesn't even see me coming closer.

"Hello there. Looking cute as always" Mariana says entering the kitchen area and Carlos turns around and smiles.

"Ladies. Looking good but where is my beautiful goddess?" He asks as Camila also got in. I took the few steps I had left on the stairs to enter the living room and walked to the kitchen.

"There she is, with a good color and tan on her" Camila says pointing at me but Carlos was already looking at me.

"Jesus Christ. Looking hotter by the day" He says leaning to kiss me when I arrive by his side.

"What are you doing in the kitchen?" I ask taking Mateo from his arms.

"Cooking dinner, it doesn't have to be you all the time, you know I will do it when I'm home. Just lean back, relax and enjoy" He says happily and the girls smile while heading for the couch.

"I love you" I say while leaning closer once again.

"I love you more cariño" He says holding my face with his hands and looking into my eyes.

"Once the season restarts it will be shit without you in the house" I say pouting and he smiles kissing me quickly.

"You will be just fine, I know it baby. We can do it. Don't leave me alright? Communicate with me. You will always be first to everything else" He says caressing my cheek and I nod.

"The same is for you. You know it right? You can tell me anything" I say smiling and he goes back to cooking.

"I already tell you everything. Don't worry about it. I'm an open book" He says calmly and focusing on the dinner.

Mateo falls asleep after burping and I take him to his bed near the couch. Mariana and Camila were stubborn that they would watch him so I went back to his side. We danced around, we got dirty and we had fun. I feel young with him as if the time is not passing by. I don't feel stressed out, I don't feel overwhelmed by this. He makes me feel good.

I would marry this man in a heartbeat. I still feel the stupid butterflies even after every stupid "fight" or every time I catch him looking from the other side of the room. I feel like a teenager with him and I hope that is a permanent feeling because I like it. I like not having to worry if he finds me attractive, if he loves me, so many ifs that could be crossing my mind.

I feel no doubt looking at him. He loves me and I love him. With my whole heart and soul. I would die for him and he would die for me. This is what I always wanted. I am very confident of our feelings and it makes me so scared to lose him, to see him moving on with someone else. Would he move on as easily as he did with Isabel? Would he let me go easily? Would he be this happy with someone else?

I worry about it once in a while, the insecurities I always felt come once in a while when I'm alone at night. But a text, touch or word from him brings me back to reality. I learned that I would rather focus on the now then on the future or the possibilities my anxious brain makes up. Overthinking is my thing and I don't care. I have him now. That is all that matters.

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