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♪ I know we'll be alright this time
Darling, just hold my hand ♪

Maya Martinez POV

I couldn't even look at him. I felt humiliated. I never slept with anyone. How is Carlos not the father? Am I crazy? Did I just conveniently forget that I slept with another man? I feel like I am dumb and crazy.

"I don't how that result is possible but I will try to work it out. Maybe I could-" I try to say after 15 minutes of silence but he interrupts me.

"I didn't request that test. I don't know who did. I don't trust the results so I requested another to be made while we waited for you. I got swabbed and so did Mateo. I trust you but you should trust me enough to know I wouldn't do this, much less behind your back. That is unnecessary in every way" He says and I finally look at him. He was mad but I saw the worry in his eyes.

"Do you still believe he is yours? Why do you believe my word over the test in your hands?" I ask feeling guilty about my own reaction.

"Look at him! He is mine, I don't care what the test says. I would've felt hurt in your situation, someone thought you would feel just like that and decided to send the test to the house because they knew you would be the one there to receive it" He says and I stop to think about it. I assumed it was him because that's his DNA and Mateo, nobody could have access to both DNAs.

"Do you think it was Isabel? But I haven't seen her in a year, since she had that little outburst" I am now just trying to understand who would've done this to us.

"Maya, I don't care who the fuck it was. Just tell me you haven't done anything in the heat of the moment. I understand what must've gone through your mind. You should've just talked to me when you knew about it. My career is not more important than you" He says and I feel the honesty in his voice.

"I moved some stuff to the apartment so I could come back and be there while you stayed at your house. I talked to a lawyer because I was scared I could lose Mateo and I wanted it all to be as easy as possible for everyone involved" I say nervously and he lets out a laugh.

"That was well done and it's easily resolved. I will have the race in Hungary this next week and I will come back home. The results of the test will likely be in tomorrow. Don't stress about it. I know he is mine. Fuck, I would never do anything of that kind. I love you, I meant any time I said it" He says getting up and coming closer to me.

"Aren't you even mad?" I ask fearfully and he laughs.

"Under the circumstances, I think you were really nice to even show up here. Any other person would've probably left the house, called a lawyer, and block me everywhere. But I would prefer a bit more communication going forward, we are usually pretty good at that" He says getting up and coming closer. I pick Mateo up and feed him, he falls asleep after burping and I smile. He is such an angel.

"Do you really still believe he is yours? Are you not doubtful at all?" I ask nervously and he shrugs.

"He is mine, I know it. I never doubted it, shit. I don't even doubt it now. I look at him and I see both of us there. He is both of us into one little person, I can't imagine him being anyone else' child. He is my son, my baby. It would break me if he wasn't. But he is" Carlos says completely confident and I don't know how.

I saw that result and I doubted my own memory, my own sight of things. But he didn't, he asked for the test to be done again, and he made sure to work it out. I was irrational, I planned how to get away, and not once did he doubt me. Why can't I work that well under pressure? I wish I could be rational, I wish I could push my feelings aside, and I could try to communicate like an adult. But Carlos is way better than me at that.

His parents got in as well as Caco, they knew what was going on, I could see it in their faces but they never once mentioned it. I was going to stay the night so they could keep me under supervision. Carlos stayed too, they brought him a bed and we stayed in the room. I was feeling better now that I could eat but I couldn't sleep. I just kept thinking about that result. And if someone went that far to break us up then that is really sick. 

I understand the tantrum once she found out we were having a child together, but this. This is too much. If Carlos was any other man this could've gone so wrong. More than our relationship would be on the line, Mateo's life could be fucked up because of this little joke or whatever she was trying to prove. It could only be her. No one else had any motive, she mentioned not believing the baby was Carlos' but she is one sick woman if she did this.

The next morning they take some blood to analyze and compare to the values I had when I came in yesterday. I ate breakfast in the room and Carlos went to the cafeteria that was on the first floor. He came back and we talked for a bit before he was glued to his phone. It was literally a minute or two before I decided to ask.

"Is everything alright?" I ask worriedly.

"The results are in" He said it without any emotion and I couldn't even guess what the answer was. My doctor gets in and I couldn't even hear half of what he was saying.

All that I knew is that I am fine, I could leave and I should be careful, I should control my stress and I agreed. As soon as the doctor left I look at Carlos hoping to get an answer but he was as controlled as he was 10 minutes ago. What the fuck was the result?

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