Deal = Marriage

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" Morning Sung~ " His older brother cheered as soon as he saw his younger brother walk into the kitchen with a big frown and sleepy eyes.

" Hmm, hyung. " Jisung rubbed his eyes as he poured himself a glass of water.

" Get dressed quickly, we have a guest coming over. " His brother, Chan, informed and ruffled his brother's bed hair while placing a plate of egg and bacon in front of him.

" Guest...? " Before he could even let out a question, Chan had already waltz out of the kitchen with a suspiciously wide smile.

" Morning Bin. " He greeted when he saw an overly grumpy looking Changbin walk in who, just like his older brother, ruffled Jisung's fluffy bed hair.

Jisung in turn groaned as he tried to smoothen his hair, though failed but he tried. When he went back to his plate he realized while he was busy whining about his hairs, his second oldest brother had already started munching on it.

" C'mon, it was for me!! " Jisung threw his hands in the air and tried to snatch his plate back, once again failing in doing so. He sighed, deciding to let his brother eat it as he settled on cereals instead.

" Oh and Chan hyung said a guest is coming over, do you know anything about it? " He questioned his brother's suspicious behavior but received a shrug in response.

" I don't know but I'm not gonna like whoever this is one bit because it's suspicious enough that he is the son of Mr. Lee and him making a special request to Chan hyung is so much more suspicious. " Ah~ Mr Minhyuk Lee, one of the most dangerous mafia leader in Korea and the rival of 3racha, yes Jisung knew about him but he wasn't supposed to so he asked,

" Mr. Lee? " Changbin visibly stopped chewing before continuing like nothing happened. " One of our business competitors. Anyways get ready. "

He placed his dirty dishes in the sink, ruffled Jisung's hairs and once again when he received a groan, he left the kitchen or more like flee the kitchen.

" Why would Mr. Lee send his son here? Isn't he scared for his son's life? " Did I mention that they were also a big mafia group called 3racha? No?
Not questioning any further he finished his cereals before going back to his room to get ready as asked.


" Why is Lee Minho coming here? " That's the first question he asked when he barged through their in-house office.

" I told you. It's for a deal. " Chan said without even glancing up from his work.

" And what's this deal that you're hiding from me? "

" I'm not hiding anything from you. I'm just delaying saying anything because I know you'll get mad so it's better you get mad later. " Changbin huffed in response and then there was knock on the door.

" Sir, Mr. Lee Minho is here. " One of the house maid informed.

" Oh great, bring him in the garden room. " Chan responded with a nod and once the maid left, changbin immediately whipped his head towards his older brother.

" Why the garden room? If it's about a deal we should talk in our office where Jisung won't hear us? "

" Um.. It's a deal concerning Jisung. " This caused changbin to be more confused and suspicious but he could tell that he is absolutely not gonna like this 'deal'.

Nonetheless they arrived in the garden room where they can see a purple haired boy sitting with his hands and legs drawn together, a sign of nervousness.

" Minho! Glad to see you. " Chan greeted him with a brotherly hug which he returned with a little bit of nervousness. Scratch that, a lot bit of nervousness as he didn't know anything about why he was here.

Sure he was informed to meet one of his father's 'friends', which he clearly knew were just mafia leaders, but he didn't know the reason of his presence in the 3racha house. And when he asked why?

" You'll know when you go there. " Is what his dad told him.

He wished he could run away right now as they settled down on the beige couches with one of the brother with an overly friendly smile while the other was glaring daggers at him.

" How's your dad? I heard he joined a golf club. " Chan started in an attempt to make the situation seem friendly but that seemed to make it more awkward.

" Ah yeah. " He responded with a small smile as he tried not to flinch when he saw Changbin lean towards him from the corner of his eyes.

" So Minho, I assume you know what we do, or what your dad does? " Minho forced himself to make eye contact with the male who was staring at him with sudden dislike.
Was it because he was dressed casually or because he had such an agonizingly beautiful face? But knowing he was the son of the leader of their opposing mafia group, he assumed it was an inward hatred.

" Yeah, Mafia work. "

" Great. But since this 'deal' concerns our youngest brother, Jisung too, I think it's better you know that he is always kept away from all these things so you better not bring up anything suspicious when he is here. " He continued with an hard glare which caused Chan to cough awkwardly.
" Changbin please, don't scare him like that. Now go and bring Jisung down while I talk with Minho here. "

Chan shooed him with his hands and when he left the room, Minho let out a discrete sigh he didn't know he was holding in.
" So Minho, did your dad tell you why you're here? "

" No. He told me I'll know when I come here. " Minho turned his attention towards Chan who seemed less scary but still scary enough since he was a complete stranger.

" Oh. Then I'll tell you but before have some tea. " Chan gestured towards the 4 tea cups placed on the tea table which he didn't see before but he took it nonetheless.
If he died from poison there, please tell his cats that he loved them.

" Your dad told me that you have been always kept away from violence and his legal business is hand overed to you last year. "

" Yes. I'm the CEO of one of his companies. "

" Good. But do you know basic self defense? Like shooting? " Minho blinked his eyes at that statement. How is shooting someone self defense? Maybe it was self defense in the world of mafia?

" I box when I have free time and my dad made sure I can handle a gun so that I won't die when it bolts from the blue. " Chan nodded in understanding and took a sip of the tea. " Say, do you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend? "

At that statement, Minho immediately started coughing. " Uhm... No. "
He answered and reached for a napkin.

" Great, Jisung doesn't have one too. " He paused his hand mid air and looked towards Chan.
I hope he isn't thinking what I'm thinking.

" Pardon? "

" Oh yeah you don't know. " Chan said before removing a tissue from its box and handing it to him. " You are to marry my youngest brother till the end of the year. "

" WHAT?! "



I feel bad that I'm writing 3 different stories in my drafts while my one story is on pause _(:3 」∠)_

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