I'm kidnapping you!

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" She was. " Minho whispered while looking at the moon with a sad smile.

" Oh. I'm sorry. " Jisung whispered with his own eyes casted downwards in sadness.

" You don't have to be. I'm sure she is happy now. Since she got to meet dad. " Minho said with a shrug and smiled when he imagined his parents smiling at him from above the sky.

" I feel like I made the mood heavy. " Minho smiled guiltily as if the mood wasn't heavy from the start.
" I have some snacks, wanna sit somewhere and chat? "

Jisung looked at his eyes which didn't seem to have any hidden intentions. Either he was too innocent to get an idea or was stupid enough to think Jisung would fall right into his trap and abort his.. Uh.. Mission? But whatever it was he was right because Jisung actually nodded hesitantly.

The bridge isn't going anywhere and tomorrow, the sun would once again set and he could once again come here to... look at the water but today he was a little curious about what the older had hidden behind his warm smile.

" Let's sit under the sakura tree! " Minho exclaimed before taking Jisung's hand to help him. At any other day, Jisung would have freaked out when someone held his hands or just merely showed him affection but today, he didn't mind it that much, after all minho's hands were small but warm.

" You're not gonna get scolded for going home late, are you? " Minho questioned with cautious eyes while they walked towards the tree with entangled hands.

" I don't have anyone waiting for me. "

Minho tried not to show on his face how much that affected him and let out a smile before changing the subject.

" You know the sakura tree is believed to be 500 years old. " Jisung let out a small smile at his attempt to change the subject. He wouldn't mind telling Minho about his hardships but he was sure it would only burden him more.

" Imagine how much it has endured. " Minho continued and placed himself at the bench below the tree with Jisung beside him.

" No matter what season or weather, it remained to stand tall, I wonder who gave it so much strength. " He wondered and looked at Jisung with a smile.

" Maybe.. It was strong enough to not depend on others for its strength. " Jisung answered which placed a smile on Minho's face. He wondered what the older was thinking.

" True. After all people come and go. "

" Why were you bullied at school? " Jisung questioned abruptly which caught Minho by surprise. " I mean, if you're okay with telling me. "

Minho smiled at his attempt to not seem nosey. " Sure I'll tell you but I feel like I'll burden you with my problems. "

" No it's- "

" How about you tell me yours in exchange for mine? Then maybe we can share our burdens together with less weight? " Minho cut him off with his suggestion. As Jisung thought earlier, he wouldn't mind sharing his. Since no one bothered to ask him about his problems, he learned to keep it to himself till it over flowed and pushed him near the bridge.

" I'm an orphan. " Jisung started while his eyes were casted towards the river flowing a little ahead from the sakura tree. The moonlight shining on the water surface comforted him enough to continue talking.

" I never had anyone I could depend on and when I saw kids going to park or movies or just somewhere fun with their parents, I envied them, so much and one day when some people came looking for kids to adopt I was so happy that I placed my best smile and best behavior to be picked but there was always, always someone better looking than me or just better at studying or sports that I never got selected.

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