03||More Problems

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Like a repeat of yesterday I'm in his car and we're driving in silence, only this time tension filled.

'If you expect an apology I just want you to know I don't apologise, only to my mother but she's dead' I state trying to start a conversation but as the stubborn ass he was he dosen't respond.

'I hate you' I say as we approach the school building.

I'm sure Mike's  ratted us out to everyone and everyone probably thinks shit about me, not like they don't already think it.

'The feeling's mutual Bambina' he says coldly as the car comes to a halt.

'Don't call me  that' I say coming out of the car.

'Why?' He asks taking my hand In his.

'Cause I don't like it' i reply struggling to remove my hand from his hold.

'And I don't  care what you like, I guess we're sorted, now behave' he says putting on some shades his hold tightening.

We sign in together at the front desk and I don't miss  the look that people give us as we walk hand in hand, even the receptionist snarls.

I silently thank God when he finally decides to let go of me for my first class.

'What the hell Val you didn't tell me you were smitten with the transfer ,whatever happened with Micheal' Olivia and her squad giggle.

Sighing  i walk pass them their giggles increasing.

Fuck me.

Suddenly I'm pulled into what I think is the ladies rest room,it better be.

'Ouch!' I exclaim when my butt hits the hard floor.

'You deserve much worse ' I hear the familiar voice of  my bestfriend say.

'How could you?, I know my brother can be a douche bag sometimes  and he has a lot of loose screws but he loves you so fucking much and then you screw the italian newb his hot but we've known eachother for what?, ten years-' she explains but I cut her off.

'It just kind of happened ' is my lame excuse.

'You know I don't believe that bullshit , if you won't tell me the truth i guess I'll have to pry it from my dad that man got all  the latest gossip, it must have been the meeting with  your dad' she clicks.

Damn this girl for being so smart.

'I've solved the puzzle now explain' she says.

Reluctantly I  start to explain.

It's not that hard to explain since she knows my dad rules a mafia.

You see when my dad  first moved to America to expand our mafia he met this guy in college  who happened to be Jade's dad  and then they became roomate blah blah ,from there they became  bestfriends got married had children and eventually dad couldn't keep the mafia thing a secret and eventually told Jason and Jason couldn't keep it a secret either  and told Maria and Maria couldn't keep it a secret and she told her kids  and later on we all came to the conclusion that we wouldn't emphasise on it much as long as we didn't put our friends in danger and  till their old age their inseprable and insufferable too, and it also happens that Jade and Mike happen to be twins.

Yeah the universe truly hates me.

So not only is my ex mad at me also my bestfriend and probably thier entire family. Isn't life great, screw me already.

'So let me get this straight,  your dad bethroted you to that hunk of junk and you had to break up with my brother not that you don't love him anymore'.

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