how they met part 1

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A black truck is seen speeding down the road as music blares of NSYNC as two girls were laughing. One has dirty blonde hair with that is dutch braided. Her clothes consist of black jeans that hugged her waist as rips where in certain spots. As her crop top shirt tide in the back showing off her abs and tattoos. Her black finger nail polished hand rest on the steering wheel as her daylight ring with her crest on it shows proudly as her boots press down on the gas pedal as she makes a sharp turn around a corner as he her best friend beside her cheers and laughs.

The girl beside her was a red head her hair was curled up in a ponytail. Her clothes consist of black leather pants with a chain. Her shirt a green spaghetti strap with the words boss in bold letters across the chest area as her high heels boots rest on the dash of the truck as they ride down the road.

There names were Lexi Salvatore who was born a vampire she was named after her farthers best friend. She was born later on after the 1920's when her father and mother met. The girl beside her is her cousin/ best friend hope mikaelson who is a tribrid vampire/witch/ and werewolf.

They are thick as theirs they would do anything for each other. Lexi drives her truck down the road to there new school in a town called woodsboro.

Hope turns to her cousin with a smirk"so cuz you ready to show this school who's boss"she raised an eyebrow.

A deadly smirk graces on Lexi's face showing her fangs "oh you bet they have no idea who they are dealing with"as she raised an pierce eyebrow as both there eyes flash of vampire and tribid before Lexi steps of the gas pedal as they speed forward.

Everybody was silent as Stefan turns his head to Lexi with a raised eyebrow "so uh when did you get the piercing and tattoos"he says crossing his arms.

Lexi and hope share secret smirks before she faced her father again "that's for me to know and for you to dot dot dot."she says with a smirk as some of the others let out low laughs as Stefan looks at his daughter with a deadpanned look.

Billy smirks shakeing his head at his girlfriend before walking up behind her as he wraps an arm around her waist "I think she looks bad ass"he says as he kissed her neck not even bothered by her father's and uncles glares that were shooted his way.

Elena glares from her seat not seeing the sad look Damon is sending her."oh please she's nothing but a weak brat"she snarks before gasping when she is pushed to the wall by an unknown force as hope and Lexi glare at her as they slowly stalk up to her.

"Let's get on thing straight I can kill you within in a blink of an eye and nobody will stop me cause the both of us are stronger together as one then you and your little gang"Lexi says with a cold look that would put anyone in there grave as she walks up to Elena who is pinned to the wall gasping as the force on her throat was being cut off by hope who walk forward "and let this be made clear when you miss with one mikaelson you miss with all of us and you can be damn sure we will rain hell on those who wish harm to our family"hope hisses as she bares her fangs before letting Elena drop to the ground as her friends rush over.

Lexi and hope just look at her emotionless with a cold eyes before they walk back over to there family who where smiling proudly.

They pull up to the school seeing a bunch of reporters and police. They share a look they needed to keep there guard up while her as they get out of the truck as most students stare in awe at them.

As they walk with confidence up the school steps to get there started. Once they get there schedules they went to class. Lexi walks into a class as the teacher and students stare at her while she raised an pierced eyebrow.

The teacher cleared her through before turning back to the class"class this is our new student Lexi Salvatore "she introduced as Lexi walks forward before finding an empty seat that was in front of a boy who name was billy.

He stares at her in awe cause of her beauty and confidence as he watches her sit down in the seat in front of him as he looks over her tattoos. Feeling his eyes on her she slowly turns her head looking over her shoulder with a slow smirk before turning forward she was gonna have fun.

Billy smirks as he gets a feeling that she's just like him only time will tell as he sits there deep in his thoughts.

"So y'all met in class"Rebekah asked her daughter as hope secretly laughs while Billy's face turns red remembering what happened that night.

The mikaelson where curious on what happened seeing hope trying to hold in a laugh as billy was bright face red. Lexi smirks "oh mom if only you knew how we really met which will be shown soon."she explained to her mother.

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