the hunters and the prey part 3

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After killing mickey and set up his body in the since room now the girls are waiting as Stu and billy were leading Mrs Loomis through the school as they would whisper her name as she makes her way down the dark hallway as lighting flashes through the windows as the wind howls she looks around carefully as lighting flashes as rain pelts against the building harshly.

"Alright we're are you little bitches" she whispered to her self a clang was heard making her whirl around as she turns seeing a door slowly open as they nob lays on the door she was shown walking upstairs to the next floor as she looks down the dark hallway.

" not the best thing to say when your being hunted" Klaus points out as mrs Loomis and mickey huddle in fear.

"yall should make a horror movie you four have that skill down" kol says shoving popcorn in his mouth many wondering were the hell he got it from.

Lighting flashes as words wore wrote in blood on the wall 'this way' as she slowly looks down seeing blood lead to a what she guessed was the since room as she slowly walks to the room as she was shown pushing the door open with a creak.

"Mickey" she calls out as she steps into the room as she looks around before lighting flashes as here eyes widen seeing mickey in pieces as the chalk board had a message 'your next' she says before she turns only to jump seeing Lexi as she was hit in the face with a bat as she smirks before the others walk into the room.

"Damn you got her good" Stu whistles as the bloody wound.

"Now for the real fun" she says as they share a look before billy and Stu grab Mrs Loomis as they vamp speed out the room.

Elena goes to say something but couldn't as she still didn't have a mouth as she whines to Damon pointing at her face.

Damon glares at his neice "give her her mouth back now"he demands.

Lexi raise an eyebrow as the room goes cold" are you ordering me"she asked deadly calm.

"Oh you've done it now buddy "Stu says with a smirk.

The theater was shown as Mrs Loomis was tide to a stake in the center of the stage as the others smile as they wait for the women to wake up as wood was set at her feet as gasoline bottles set to the side as Lexi files her nails see she had a lovely idea of burning the bitch at the stake.

"Yes I am so what"Damon says with an arrogant smirk.

Lexi stands up with a cold look as a dark smirk graces her face before snapping her fingers as Damon groans holding his head before screaming as his eyes were slowly being sewed shut then his mouth as his screaming was muffled as his friends stare in horror.

Hey family and friends watch with smirks knowing he deserves this punishment.

"Until your learn respect you will suffer like this "she says as she sits back down by her mate as he throws an arm around her.

"You are a beautiful dark genius"he says as he kisses her neck as she humms in delight as Stefan grumbles before Rebekah elbows him in the ribs making him wince.

"Nicely done mom"Lucinda says as she and jack give her smiles and thumbs up.

"She should be waking up soon"hope says before soon groaning was heard from Mrs Loomis who gasp waking up before seeing her self tide to a stake as she struggled.

"It's no use your fate is set" Lexi says as she smirks.

"You bitch!"Mrs Loomis spat as Billy speeds up to his mother hissing his fangs bared as Mrs Loomis looks at her son in shock.

"Wrong choice of words"billy says glareing at his mother.

"Yeah I should warn you not to insult her or hope me and billy get very protective over are mates"Stu says laughing at her shocked expression.

"Watch how you speak to my mate"he snarls before Lexi rest a calming hand on his shoulder as she steps beside him.

"As you can see your son has been alive this whole time"Lexi says with a smirk as she circles around the struggling woman.

"See I kill my enemies in my creative ways and I thought burning you at the stake that would burn this whole place to the ground "she says as Mrs Loomis eyes widen in horror as hope giggles as she and Stu pick of the gas cans as they walk up the stage as they splash gasoline on her as she gaps coughing before they pour gasoline everywhere.

"Stefan I'm stealing your daughter aka my neice she's like a mini version of me"kol says.

"Actually brother she's a bit like all of us" Elijah says with a smirk as Klaus joins in on the topic.

Lexi shakes her head at her uncle's as the bicker back and forth.

"See billy told me your were the cause of his pain so what better revenge then him burning you alive "Lexi cackles.

"Billy please"Mrs Loomis begs.

"Sorry but I don't care for you anymore your nothing but a waste of skin"billy says coldy as Mrs Loomis cry's as they walk to the main entrance of the theater were a trail of gasoline can be seen leading to the stage.

Lexi takes out her cigarette and lighter as she flickes her lighter lighting it as she closed her lighter taking a drag as the end glows before handing it to billy "you do the honors babe"she says blowing out smoke.

Billy take sit as he stares at it before looking at his mother coldy "goodbye"he says dropping it as it falls in slow motion before landing on the gasoline as the trail lights as flames head to a sobbing Mrs Loomis before the wood around her flame up as she screams in agony as she was soon covered in flames as they vamp speed out there just as the whole theater was in flames.

"you all should be in jail or dead!" sideny screams with wide eyes as they smirk smelling fear just rolling off her.

"darling you just get better and better" Rebekah says hugging her daughter with a smile.

"remind me never to piss them off more so your mother and mine" jack whispered to Lucinda who raised an eyebrow at him.

The four were shown standing on a grass hill looking at the college in the distance as hope and Lexi share smiles before looking back at the college "incindia"they say at one joining magic and power as a large explosion sprouts out the center as windows shattered as the explosion spreads as black smoke travels up into the sky as the moon was high in the night sky.

"Brilliant!"kol says with a smirk clapping loudly with giddyness rolling off his in waves.

"Thank you uncle kol"the girls say.

"Even tho they aren't twins it's still pretty creepy"Stefan says as he was having a flash back of the shining with the train girls as he shakes his head.

"How do y'all feel about going to Hollywood"Lexi asked as they turn walking away.

"That would be rad"Stu says with a smirk throwing an arm around hope.

"I'm done for that we always wanted to models and dancers"hope says with a smile.

Both Stefan and Klaus share looks "oh boy"they says groaning.

"I go wherever you go babe"billy says as Lexi smiles as the four vamp speed away into the woods heading to Hollywood.

The lights turn back on as Lucinda stands up "now that were done with the second movie them two can disappear"she says snapping her fingers as Mrs Loomis and Mickey disappear and Roman bridger appears looking confused.

"Where the hell am I"he asked before freezing seeing the ones who are responsible for his death as they wave with smirks.

"You are here to rewatch your death and now sit down"Lucinda snaps as he immediately sits down before the lights dim asking next movie was about to start.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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